Dancing Youth: Evil and Rebellious Girl

Chapter 329 I Won't Leave

Chapter 329 I Won't Leave

Ye Ziye turned sideways, her eyes flickering, and now she still has this plan in her heart.

It's just that after experiencing the bank robbery, she became mature and worried. Her mother was her only relative, and she couldn't hurt her again and again.

After that incident, my mother suffered from mild depression and was always afraid that she would make another mistake.

If she doesn't come home after ten o'clock, her mother's call will come. If she doesn't answer, her mother will wait until she comes home.

Because of her disappointment, she intentionally or unintentionally revealed a message in words, hoping that she could find a good home and win for her in front of the Nie family.

Therefore, the content of the recent conversation between the two mothers and daughters has been focused on He Binxian and Qiu Yongchen.

She declined politely: "Mother is here, I will not leave."

There was a strange look in Carl's eyes, but his face was still calm: "When you have enough strength, it might be a good thing to come back and pick her up."

Bringing Ye Guya by his side is too burdensome for a killer.

Ye Ziye raised his head and became firm when looking back at him: "I'm sorry, I don't want to leave China for the time being, I borrowed your 100 million, and I will find a way to return it to you."

Before planning the bank robbery, Carl advanced 100 million to prepare for her homework and sell her accomplices.

She spent the money, but did not complete the task he entrusted.

To the Nie family, 100 million is not money; to her, it is an astronomical figure.

At the beginning, I put all my eggs in one basket. I never thought that there would be room to turn around, let alone that I would be caught by mistake, and I never even thought that I would come back to live in China.

She is such a person, just go straight forward, don't think about the consequences, and won't regret it.

Carl looked at her, suppressed his smile, and became ruthless and tough: "What if I force you to come with me?"

She looked at him without saying a word, and understood the seriousness and persistence in his eyes, but she was puzzled: "I don't understand."

Is she that important?Is it worth him doing so many things for her?

For her, hacking government networks.

For her, I have come all the way across the ocean.

For her, tear off the appearance of a modest gentleman.

(End of this chapter)

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