Chapter 338

Zuo Zhe is still strong, but this time with a gentle and strong attack.

He looked at her deeply, and found that she didn't make any greater struggle and resistance, it was purely a girl's shyness.

After a pause of two seconds, he moved closer to her lips again. This time she was mentally prepared and did not back away from him.

There is no first forced kiss violation, and no second awkward bet kiss...  

This time he kissed very softly and delicately, with deep affection in the kiss.

A gentle kiss, a good start.

Afterwards, Ye Ziye confessed to him: "Klaus' surname is Nie, and his full name is Nie Jiajun. He is my third brother. Today is my first meeting with him."

Zuo Zhe immediately understood her inquiring expression just now, it turned out that he was jealous.

"I should have guessed it earlier." Zuo Zhe scolded himself for being stupid, being overwhelmed by emotion: "I mean, I know his surname is Nie."

"Klaus should have studied at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in the United States."

At the beginning, Season pointed to the family portrait photos in his wallet and introduced each family member one by one. Although she appeared casual on the surface, she secretly remembered everyone's appearance and situation in her heart.

It's just that the time is a little far away, and everyone is growing up. The real Klaus is more mature and gentle than the photo.

"Brother Cheng went abroad to study before, and the two are both students in Massachusetts. I heard that Klaus is going back to China to visit relatives temporarily. When he is free and bored, he will come to Brother Cheng's hospital to observe medical skills."

Season once said that Klaus studied medicine.

It turned out to be the case.

Looking at her pensive face, Zuo Zhe asked cautiously, "Who is that Carl?"

It should not be a royal relative.

She said that that person was her benefactor, what kind of benefactor made her get entangled with him?

She sighed a long time: "It's a long story, let's talk about it when we go home."


Along the way, neither of them spoke, Ye Ziye turned on her mobile phone, checked the camera records at home, and was disheartened to find that her female bodyguard hadn't come home.

And at such a critical moment just now, she didn't come forward to help her mediate.

Zuo Zhe glanced at her sideways, she pouted and was very unhappy: "What's the matter?"

(End of this chapter)

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