Dancing Youth: Evil and Rebellious Girl

Chapter 340 One Promise For One Lifetime

Chapter 340 A Lifelong Promise

When her eyes met, she sighed softly: "It's a long story... let's not talk about it."

Zuo Zhe frowned his thick eyebrows, and stared at her like a torch: "It must be related to your robbery of the bank."

He recited her information fluently.

Although she is playful and aggressive by nature, wild and unruly, fighting with drugs, racing and smoking is nostalgia, but such a sophisticated and meticulous operation of robbing a bank should not be her own idea.

Young and naughty, she is by no means a greedy person.

After getting along for this period of time, he knew that she was kind in her heart.

What had driven her to initiate that operation?

"..." She opened her mouth to raise her breath, and finally gritted her teeth and said, "I need money."

"Midnight, do you know?" Zuo Zhe simply put down his chopsticks, leaned on the back of the chair, and folded his hands on his chest: "I'm not those young men who are coquettish and impatient to be frightened. My hands are stained with blood. I don't know what the scene is like." Ever? I have experienced things more tragic than the weapon fight at the foot of the mountain."

"Why should I choose you to be my girlfriend? In addition to liking you from the bottom of my heart, it is also because of your character and skills. We are the same type of people, we understand each other's feelings, and what we want most. "

"My affairs, Baihutang's affairs, and even other things in the future, I will tell you one by one. I give this feeling, and I hope you will return my equal trust and... love."

He stretched out his left hand to gently hold her right hand, and looked at her meaningfully: "No matter what difficulties you encounter, I am willing to help you share and solve them."

She looked at him, her hands trembling slightly because of his words.

"Because I really intend to be with you, and you have nothing to be afraid of."

This is his promise to her, a lifetime promise.

She saw piety and belief, persistence and affection in his eyes.

This was the first boy she had met who had given her love so domineeringly and explicitly, and at the same time demanded an equal amount of love in return.

He respected her, but he didn't allow her to retreat and escape from this favor.

This is a declaration of the love of a mafia boss.

Ye Ziye nodded understandingly. Although she did not join any gang, she was destined not to be a daughter of a famous family, and she would not marry a noble gentleman in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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