Dancing Youth: Evil and Rebellious Girl

Chapter 354 Next game, who will play?

Chapter 354 Who will play the next game?

In a blink of an eye, several rounds of renminbi were filled in her helmet, and she happily raised her hand and shouted: "Next game, who will come up? Who else dares to compete with me?"

"Me." A black-haired man walked from the crowd, with a ferocious and provocative smile on his lips.

Ye Ziye looked up, his face suddenly turned pale, and the smile on the corner of his mouth disappeared: "Why are you here?"

"I heard that you are doing well in China, so I came here specially to find you." Seven or eight strong men followed the man and surrounded her.

"Rex, I'm not interested in playing with you." Soon her face turned gentle, and she glanced at his arm as if remembering something: "Is the scar on your arm healed? Do you want to ask for another one?"

Previously in the United States, Rex ran to Jimmy's car repair shop to seek revenge, but was mercilessly stabbed by Nie Xichen with a saber, causing bleeding on his arm.

That time when Nie Xichen kicked him to the ground, Rex was so frightened that his whole body trembled, he crawled and begged for her mercy, and vowed not to trouble her again.

Unexpectedly, he would meet again a year later, and he purposely found her in China.

When the past was brought up, Rex's expression was naturally grim. He glared at her viciously, trying to disentangle the relationship between the interests: "I came to compete, not to seek revenge."

She frowned slightly, feeling that the matter was not simple: "Is there no place for you in the United States?"

"Stop talking nonsense, you and I will have another match, do you dare?" He threw down the gauntlet.

Ye Ziye and Rex spoke English, and the gangsters next to them were all at a loss as to what they were chattering about.

But everyone can see that the two of them seem to know each other and have a festive relationship.

At this time, Zuo Zhe had already stepped down from the stands and stood in the crowd behind Ye Ziye.

He heard the conversation between them clearly, a handsome sword-brow raised, pecking at something in his heart.

"How much do you bet?" As he expected, Ye Ziye accepted the challenge.

"Ten thousand."

She chuckled: "One hundred thousand."

Rex yelled: "You have been racing here for the past few days, a game worth [-] yuan, do you want to cheat me?"

"That's right, they play [-], and you play [-]."

Ye Ziye held the helmet full of renminbi with one hand, crossed his waist with the other hand, and looked at Rex's pale face with a full posture: "If you want to play, play, if you don't play, get out of the way."

(End of this chapter)

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