Dancing Youth: Evil and Rebellious Girl

Chapter 365 So Stupid He Wants to Call for Help

Chapter 365 So Stupid He Wants to Call for Help
Zuo Zhe was defeated by her.

His original purpose of participating in the competition was to increase her debts and make her owe him endlessly.

Let her rely on him, let her be inseparable from him.

It's just that now that she coquettishly yelled not to collect debts from me, his heart softened immediately, and he changed his mind and said that he didn't want her money.

He felt sorry for her desperately racing to earn money, and was angry that she had left him so clearly.

He helped her repay Carl's money, not to make her feel indebted to him.

He likes her, she can only be entangled with him.

The other men stood aside, and she was never allowed to have anything to do with men other than him.

He regards her affairs as his own, and he treats her as his own, so he will help her without delay.

It's a pity that the stupid girl doesn't understand his heart.

Zuo Zhe shook his head and sighed, ignoring her, and said to his friend Qin Jun, "Let that guy go, but remember to ask for a bet of 10 yuan. You can have Ziye's car repaired."

The dent shouldn't be a big problem.

Her motorcycle and his motorcycle are couple outfits after all, and he doesn't want to replace her with a new one.

Seeing him ignoring her, Ye Ziye timidly tugged at the hem of his clothes, and asked solemnly, "Are you really not going to ask me for money?"

"What do I want your money for?" He rolled his eyes at her angrily.

How is she so stupid?He was so stupid that he wanted to call for help.

"Let's go, I'll treat you to supper." He put his arms around her neck and walked towards the locomotive at the finish line.

"Let's go too." Jiang Yaoyao yelled ignorantly.

"Okay, see you at the old place." He gestured to Qin Jun, and led Ye Ziye away first.

At this time, Rex was surrounded by Xiao Zhang and others to bet.

【-Ye Xiwei Original *** First release on Tencent.com-】.
Ever since he learned that Ye Ziye was the illegitimate daughter of the wealthy Nie family, Zuo Zhe always felt that Season would come to find him, but he didn't expect him to be so calm and capable that he waited until today to find him.

He is calm and introverted, calm and calm, unrestrained and uninhibited, showing the elegance and nobility of the upper class in his gestures and gestures.

Looking at such a handsome man, he had to admire in his heart that Season is indeed a rare business genius.

(End of this chapter)

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