Dancing Youth: Evil and Rebellious Girl

Chapter 369 What does it have to do with him?

Chapter 369 What does it have to do with him?
Hearing this, Zuo Zhe stood up abruptly: "We don't need to continue talking, goodbye!"

It was obvious that Season was a little unexpected, and stood up with a straight body: "Avoiding the problem is not the solution, how about [-] million?"

[-] million!
Our Eldest Young Master Nie is really extravagant, it's [-] million at the first opening.

Hearing this, Zuo Zhe couldn't hold back his suppressed anger anymore, and yelled at the handsome guy on the other side: "Please don't insult me, don't insult Zi Ye, and don't insult yourself."

Out of control!
Millennium Ice Zuo Zhe finally lost control!
Zuo Zhe, who has always been known for his calmness, indifference, arrogance and rebellion, was instantly enraged and out of control, wishing to crush Season into ashes.

He likes Ye Ziye, but he never thought of giving her up for money one day.

She was the first girl he deeply liked, even fell in love with.

He was reluctant to let go and give up this rare and rare love.

One hundred million, an astronomical figure.

Just what does it have to do with him?
Zuo Zhe's eyes sparkled, he stared at Season closely, and his hands tightly grasped the corner of the table.

He was deeply afraid that he would not be able to resist and beat up that wickedly handsome handsome face.

"Haha!" Season laughed loudly, very straightforwardly: "Okay, I respect your decision."

He smiled frankly and innocently, inexplicably for a second, and left Zuo Zhe in a daze. He asked warily, "You, what do you mean?"

Season stopped laughing and sighed helplessly: "Now I know that you really like her, I will no longer force you to separate and respect your decision."

Zuo Zhe couldn't react to such a twisted statement, so he stared at him blankly, guessing the authenticity of what he said.

"Are you serious?"


Zuo Zhe was completely stunned.

What's the situation?
Just now he stood firm and tried his best to choke him with words, but now he was yelled at by himself, and immediately changed his mind and no longer objected.

"However." Season added: "It's hard to say what will happen in the future. I agree now, but it doesn't mean my family will agree in the future."

"Besides, whether you will be together in the end is an unknown number, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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