Chapter 372
At that time, she was grumbling in her heart, Yan Xiaozhu often disappeared, her identity was mysterious and her behavior was mysterious, inside and out it was so mysterious that it made people mad.

A mute who is not an adult, but owns a sports car with outstanding performance.

Deliberately hidden identity background, calm and unhurried attitude.

The icy aura exuding from her whole body fascinated her deeply, and her hands itched so much that she wanted to tear off her mysterious veil.

Apart from Zhongnanhai's bodyguards, Yan Xiaozhu is definitely the person she most wants to find out.

Yan Xiaozhu knew that Ye Ziye was staring at her, so she squinted at the end of her eyes, sat down without being humble, bent down and pretended to fall asleep.

In order to avoid Ye Ziye's overflowing curiosity, she found a new residence near her old residence, and did not go back to retrieve her own equipment.

This is the most dumbfounding protected person she has encountered in her career.

She put all her thoughts on herself, preparing to reveal her true face all the time.

While making her guard against her enemies, she was also guarded against herself.

Ye Ziye withdrew her gaze, raised her left eyebrow, and was thinking of a trick, a smile gradually appeared on the corner of her mouth, with a hint of cunning.

【-Ye Xiwei Original *** First release on】.
Here's her plan.

In private, she asked Song Jian to find a few gangsters from the Zhongyi Hall, why didn't she ask Zuo Zhe for the people from the Baihu Hall?
Because she was fed up with Zuo Zhe's teasing, she wanted to have fun by herself.

By the way, this guy hasn't moved at all lately, hugging her and kissing her non-stop.

Hey, it made her blush at every turn.

Returning to the normal direction, he planned that when school was over, a group of gangsters would intercept Yan Xiaozhu halfway, pretending to be..., um, pretending to be robbing money and sex halfway.

At a critical moment, she, Ye Ziye, jumped out as a hero to save the beauty, and repelled a group of wine and rice bags, so as to win Yan Meiren's trust and favor.

Finally she finds an excuse to send the frightened Yan Meiren home.

Hee hee, now I can enter the house and go straight to her lair... No, it's the boudoir.

Such a flawless, seamless scheme made her think of it, so she had to boast a few words.

Ye Ziye was lying in ambush, covering half of his face and laughing.

(End of this chapter)

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