Dancing Youth: Evil and Rebellious Girl

Chapter 377 When Did She Get Out of the Car?

Chapter 377 When Did She Get Out of the Car?
Yan Xiaozhu didn't know Ye Ziye's thoughts. After walking out of the park, he glanced at the sports car on the opposite street and drove in the opposite direction without hesitation.

She can't let her know about her sports car, otherwise it will be another chattering question.

She was really afraid of Ye Ziye's curiosity.

"Hey, where are you going?" Ye Ziye behind him pointed to her sports car, and then to her, and found her standing at the bus shelter not far away.

Putting your hands on your chest, you coolly turned your back to yourself.

She wondered, isn't that her sports car?

The last time she clearly saw her get into the sports car and drive away, she stomped her feet angrily, and was tricked by Zuo Zhe to eat French dinner.

She really remembered clearly which sports car it was and which license plate number it was.

Why doesn't she recognize her own car?

Ye Ziye followed her inexplicably, and stood beside her with thin lips, waiting for the bus.

The two spent a few minutes in silence when a bus full of people arrived.

Yan Xiaozhu jumped into the car first, and there were other passengers getting on the car. When Ye Ziye squeezed into the car, she was nowhere to be seen.

This was the first time she took a bus after returning to China. She fumbled for change in her wallet, and when she saw someone else put in five yuan, she also put in five yuan.

There are many people in the bus compartment. On a hot day, the weak air-conditioning is mixed with the sour smell of sweat.

The car started slowly and accelerated forward, Ye Ziye slowly moved towards the rear of the carriage, searching for Xiao Hei who was dressed in black.

Outside the carriage, under the bright sun, a smiling cold face waved his fingers triumphantly at her.

That person was clearly Yan Xiaozhu.

Ye Ziye opened his mouth, was too stunned to speak, blinked his eyes again and again.

SHIT!When did she run out of the car?
The car drifted away, leaving Yan Xiaozhu far behind.

[—Ye Xiwei's original *** Tencent first release —].
Zuo Zhe came out of the bathroom, his upper body was naked, his lower body was wrapped in a bath towel, his short wet hair was dripping with drops of water.

The moment he opened the door, Ye Ziye was also stunned outside the door.

Just now Qin Jun called him and asked where he was?
(End of this chapter)

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