Dancing Youth: Evil and Rebellious Girl

Chapter 393 An Unspeakable Trauma

Chapter 393 An Unspeakable Trauma
"Are you blaming me?" Zuo Peng's face suddenly turned blue and then white: "You still hate me for not protecting your mother well and letting her die unexpectedly."

"I didn't." He turned his face sideways, but his trembling body gave away the secret.

Zuo Peng opened his mouth to say something, but closed it tightly in the end, his face changed again and again, and said ruthlessly: "From the day she became my wife, she should have this awareness, living in the hail of bullets, Life is never in our own hands...."

"That's why I don't want to follow in your footsteps." Zuo Zhe roared almost to the bottom: "I love her, and I don't want to lose her."

"This is just the most basic responsibility of a man. If he couldn't protect her thoroughly, he shouldn't have married her in the first place, and he shouldn't have let her live a life of fear, and even...even be murdered."

Let a young child lose the basic maternal love.

As soon as Zuo Zhe said this, not only his father Zuo Peng was shocked, but even he himself was petrified.

It turned out that he had never let go of the murder of his mother; it turned out that there was always resentment in the deepest part of his heart, but he kept it so well.

Lied to everyone, including himself.

For many years, he thought he had forgotten that horrible scene, but he still remembered it. When the old things were brought up again, he could not wait to complain and hate.

Zuo Peng instantly became embarrassed by the recalled past, and collapsed on the back of his chair decadently.

His trembling fingers uncontrollably shook the cigar between his fingers.

Zuo Zhe caressed his lips, knowing that his slip of the tongue had hurt his father's hidden wounds. He turned his face away and couldn't bear to look at his old and aged face, which was distorted and deformed by the pain.

He opened his mouth to speak, but finally couldn't say a word, turned around and fled outside the office door.

Mother is always an unspeakable trauma.

[—Ye Xiwei's original *** Tencent first release —].
Ye Ziye returned home, feeling itchy with nothing.

He cursed Nie Hong and Lan Hao in his heart for deceiving him, saying that Yan Xiaozhu was following him, and saying that they would follow Yan Xiaozhu again.

He also said that if there is news, he will call her and let her go home first.

Phew, liar!
(End of this chapter)

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