Dancing Youth: Evil and Rebellious Girl

Chapter 399 Sure enough, it was about Yan Xiaozhu

Chapter 399 Sure enough, it was about Yan Xiaozhu
"You don't understand, I'm too lazy to tell you." She pulled his arm with both hands, trying to eat noodles, but she couldn't push his magic hand away.

Every time he grabs her neck or waist, there is only one consequence, that is, she has to spend a lot of time and effort to get rid of him.

Panting heavily, she lowered her hands in acknowledgment.

"Tell me and listen." His dangerous handsome face gradually approached, as if if you don't tell me, I will forcefully kiss you.

Ye Ziye heaved a long sigh, she found that she was most afraid of stalking and boring rogue men, like Nie Hong and Lan Hao, and even more like Master Zuo.

She opened her palms and shrugged her shoulders, and said helplessly, "Nie Hong and Lan Hao help me check my classmate, her home address, that's it."

"Who is Lan Hao?"

"Well, he should be the second brother's boyfriend or girlfriend or something." After speaking, Ye Ziye covered her mouth and smirked.

The two times I saw them, they were all cuddling, only homosexuals can be so ambiguous.

What's more, the more handsome the boy, the more hobbies he has in that area.

Zuo Zhe stared at the expression on her face, thought for a while and realized that the matter would not be so simple: "Why do you need to know the address of your classmate?"

"Because she didn't let me know, I want to know even more." Having said that, Ye Ziyeya scolded itchyly: "You didn't know that she is very good at beating."

He frowned tightly, and suddenly had a bad feeling: "Her? What's her name?"

"Yan Xiaozhu."


Sure enough, it was about Yan Xiaozhu.

Zuo Zhe stroked his forehead with a headache. Once Yan Xiaozhu was involved, he would suddenly feel powerless.

On the one hand is the girlfriend who loves and loves more, and on the other hand is the subordinate who must keep it secret.

Ye Ziye forced him to reveal the identity of the bodyguard, Yan Xiaozhu forced him to conceal his identity, and there were no human beings in the middle.

However, Ye Ziye's personality is very annoying, the more mysterious and suspicious she is, the more she follows the clues and goes away.

As for Yan Xiaozhu, he just lurked by her side without knowing his life or death.

When he found her following Yan Xiaozhu last time, he thought that sooner or later, Yan Xiaozhu would fall to Ye Ziye's curiosity.

Look, now I'm afraid I can't lie anymore.

(End of this chapter)

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