Dancing Youth: Evil and Rebellious Girl

Chapter 402 Our School Belle

Chapter 402 Our School Belle
He Binxian scratched his hair shyly, looking embarrassed: "I wanted to avoid someone, so I transferred here."

It turned out to be a transfer student.

Now, she is even more curious: "Who are you avoiding?"

"Li Fei'er."

"Who?" The name was a little familiar.

So the classmate A next to him struck up a conversation: "Our school belle, last time she brought He Yinghong and the others to trouble you."

"I don't remember." Ye Ziye looked at classmate A with a bewildered face, a young boy in a state of youthful buds, his face was full of brilliant youth beans.

This time classmate A almost fainted from anger.

He jumped up excitedly: "Last time, Li Fei'er informed He Yinghong that you were with He Binxian at the New Year's Eve party. After that, they surrounded you at the door of the classroom, and you beat them beautifully until their mouths were swollen and their faces were swollen."

Ouch, she remembered.

At that time, she also said to Li Fei'er: It's your business that you like He Binxian, I just treat him as my brother.

Such a beautiful girl, she has completely forgotten about it.

That girl who looks gentle on the outside and is extremely scheming on the inside is always obsessed with He Binxian, pulling him over and over again to ask who she likes.

When she learned that the person He Binxian liked was herself, she wanted to use He Yinghong's hand to defeat herself.

It's a pity that none of them are her opponents.

He Binxian was very sorry: "I'm sorry, Ziye. Fei'er is more willful and reckless, but she is not bad at heart."

She thought for a while and asked, "Are you so afraid of her? Why?"

He suddenly became hesitant: "I..."

"They have a marriage contract." Classmate A revealed in a low voice.

"Actually, it's not bad. You guys are quite right." Ye Ziye smiled happily: "The man is handsome and the woman is beautiful, not bad."

When He Binxian heard this, he became anxious: "I don't like her at all, she's always pestering me. I, I... the person I like is you."

Immediately, the smile on Ye Ziye's face froze, and the students beside him all looked sideways.

The atmosphere became eerily quiet.

Yan Xiaozhu, who was pretending to be asleep, moved his face, looked at Ye Ziye's back, and laughed in his heart: a guy who is easy to cause trouble to his upper body.

The bell rang at the right time for class, resounding inside and outside the classroom.

(End of this chapter)

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