Dancing Youth: Evil and Rebellious Girl

Chapter 425 I Can Finally Be Freed

Chapter 425 I Can Finally Be Freed

Yan Xiaozhu felt Ye Ziye's strange gaze, so she decided to pretend to be stupid and continue packing the stationery.

After thinking about it today, even if she was killed, she wouldn't be in high school with Ye Ziye.

Because she quietly asked the teacher to change her choice to the high school of Xincheng No. [-] Middle School.

Of course, she wouldn't really go to Xincheng High School, that's just a jerk.

The organization has accepted her opinion and asked her to leave Ye Ziye's life circle.

From now on, she only needs to protect her secretly, no need to pretend to be a classmate, no need to deal with her chattering, and curiosity that kills people.

She finally didn't have to pretend to be dumb, she was finally free.

Ye Ziye approached her and put his hand on her shoulder: "Xiao Hei, shall we have dinner together?"

I thought I would let you go today, since your two nests are near home anyway, are you afraid that you might run away?

This time, she must think long-term and think of a comprehensive and close method.

He Binxian accosted from the side: "Can I go?"

"Of course it can." He Binxian has helped her a lot in her studies these days, and she dared not give up the monk after fasting.

This can also be regarded as their real rebuilding since the whole class cheated, and even became more friendly than before.

But she still didn't want to misunderstand him, so she added: "Call Song Jian, he is very accurate in preparing for the exam, I want to thank him."

When He Binxian heard the words, the joy on his face instantly fell away. How could he forget that there was another Song Jian: "Well, I'll call him."

Ye Ziye's meaning was so obvious, how could he not understand it.

So a group of four people left the classroom.

Zuo Zhe met Zuo Zhe outside the school gate, his sports car was parked by the side of the road, and he was standing under the school gate.

Zuo Zhe and Yan Xiaozhu quickly exchanged glances, he looked at Ye Ziye: "Xiao Qin and the others said to eat together, you, come together."

"We're not going, we have our show." Ye Ziye deliberately sang against it.

I used to find it strange that when Zuo Zhe and Yan Xiaozhu met, they always looked at each other very quickly.

She has been wondering.

Today I finally understood that it was the code word for them to greet each other.

[Today, there are five comments, but the old goose's is unqualified, which means that we can't just write quick updates, so we only add four updates, and there are still 10 minutes. Friends who want to add updates, please leave a message. 】

(End of this chapter)

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