Dancing Youth: Evil and Rebellious Girl

Chapter 428 Struggle is a must

Chapter 428 Struggle is a must
In fact, Ye Ziye could get away on her own at this time, but she didn't want to give up such a great opportunity.

But at the same time, she didn't want Yan Xiaozhu to notice the clues, struggling was necessary.

She got rid of the restraint of the tough guy, and hit the opponent's chest with her left palm, but the strength was tangible but intangible.

While bearing her palm, the tough guy pushed her down into the carriage.

"Quick." The man in the driver's seat called.

"Xiao Hei! Help me!" Ye Ziye yelled while clutching the car door tightly.

Zuo Zhe and Yan Xiaozhu joined forces and became invincible, and half of the dozen or so tough guys fell down in an instant.

The one who fell down got up again, and for a moment, the two of them couldn't get close to Ye Ziye.

The man in the cab, regardless of whether the car door was closed or the others, suddenly stepped on the accelerator and accelerated away.

Zuo Zhe and Yan Xiaozhu saw it, and they were so anxious that they wished to be able to separate themselves.

The tough guy who originally arrested Ye Ziye slapped her who was about to climb out of the car.

While she was back to defend and evade, she quickly jumped into the car, and with a backhand pull, she was about to close the car door.

The car is getting faster and faster.

Seeing Ye Ziye being taken away, Zuo Zhe ruthlessly ignored the tough men besieging him, and jumped towards the van's door.

Grab it, grab the side door that is about to close.

Just enough for him to catch up.

Ye Ziye and Tough Guy saw it, and they were startled and sweated.

Unexpectedly, he would rush over regardless of his own safety.

The speeding car dragged Zuo Zhe who was hanging outside, and ran away swaying from side to side.

Yan Xiaozhu was shocked when she saw this, one was the girl she wanted to protect, and the other was her immediate boss.

One of the two had an accident, and she couldn't bear the heavy responsibility.

At this time, seven or eight young men in black clothes appeared from a distance, some of them went towards Yan Xiaozhu, some towards Zuo Zhe.

They are all Zuo Zhe's secret bodyguards.

Seeing that the master had an accident, they rushed to rescue him from their hiding places without using a whistle to summon him.

For a while, the school gate was full of rioting and panicked crowds and young people chasing vehicles.

The tough guy in the carriage had already reacted, grabbed the door frame above his head with both hands, raised his left foot and kicked Zuo Zhe's hands grabbing the door frame vigorously.

With the first kick, Zuo Zhe got out of the way.

But the body that was about to climb into the carriage slipped and fell to the ground because of the dodging action and the swaying body.

[Forgot to wish everyone a happy Mid-Autumn Festival, hehe, happy Mid-Autumn Festival!Today is the last day of the holiday, we will upgrade the game, please don't leave a message or vote, I want to click.A chapter is updated every thousand clicks, basically an hour is enough, now until eleven o'clock in the evening.Now the click is 441906, you can't swipe the click. 】

(End of this chapter)

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