Dancing Youth: Evil and Rebellious Girl

Chapter 436 A Broken Ragdoll

Chapter 436 A Broken Rag Doll

Before he finished speaking, Zhong Cheng was the first to rush into the ward, followed by Ye Ziye and Qin Jun, and the others followed in no particular order.

"I'm going to be discharged from the hospital." A weak but extremely stern male voice sounded in the ward.

The voice was bone-chilling, with incomparable majesty and slight anger.

A young man in an intern's robe, with his back to everyone, confronted Zuo Zhe with a bandage in his hand.

Speaking a non-standard Chinese accent, he said without fear: "Sir, you must be bandaged before you can leave."

In an instant, everyone who rushed into the ward was stunned, looking at the young man on the bed, his cold and handsome face was covered with two cut wounds.

On the left forehead, right elbow, bare chest, and left calf, there are large plasters or bandages.

At a glance, it looks like a broken rag doll.

Unexpectedly, such a flick would cause so many wounds.

Ye Ziye's heart throbbed again, and his eyes filled with unexplainable tears.

Seeing that he could sit freely, she couldn't help but rushed forward and hugged him tightly: "Zuo Zhe..."

"Midnight?" Zuo Zhe was stunned, looking at the lost and recovered person in his arms: "Are... all right?"

"I'm fine, I'm fine." At the age of 16, he was neither calm nor self-control.

All the feelings of fear, worry and grievance were released, turning into this beeping cry.

Zuo Zhe's heart instantly turned into a puddle of water, soft beyond measure, and he gently patted her body to comfort her: "It's okay, don't cry, don't cry."

It turns out that people will really know the other party's status in their minds at a critical moment. It is clear at a glance whether it is light or heavy.

He was afraid that she would be hurt, so he didn't think about it, so he rushed into the car without thinking about his own body, holding onto her tightly and never letting go, even though he was hurting a lot, he would not regret it.

She was afraid that he would be hurt, no matter how arrogant and conceited he was, at this moment, she was no different from an ordinary girl, vulnerable and helpless, trembling and crying bitterly.

She actually cares about her, just as she cares about her.

It's just that they are all people who are cold on the outside and hot on the inside, and they are not used to opening and closing their mouths. They just talk about love and affection, and treat the nasty words as gossip.

[It's really fast, another ten more tasks have been completed, so far there are only [-] more clicks, which is worse than yesterday, hey, I'm in a low mood.Today is the Mid-Autumn Festival, let's enjoy the moon together. 】

(End of this chapter)

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