Dancing Youth: Evil and Rebellious Girl

Chapter 439 No, Can't Be Replaced

Chapter 439 No, Can't Be Replaced
If time could be reversed, Yan Xiaozhu would still choose to shoot on the street.

Simon has repeatedly emphasized that Ye Ziye is a heavyweight, and the protection work must not be missed.

"What identity?" It was Qin Jun who spoke.

Zuo Zhe explained simply: "Yan Xiaozhu is actually...a bodyguard. She was entrusted by Season to provide 24-hour personal protection."

"But Ziye doesn't know her identity." Qin Jun scratched his head, deeply surprised by Season's behavior, why is other people's bodyguards so mysterious?

But who is he?An extremely smart businessman, there must be his reasons for this.

Zuo Zhe didn't answer Qin Jun's words, and stretched out his hands to grab Ye Ziye's hands, and advised meaningfully: "Now that you know the truth, you should be obedient and stop causing trouble, okay?"

She was surprised, did he see it?
So he nodded obediently, and a pair of big, sly and clever eyes drifted towards Yan Xiaozhu with malicious intentions.

Hey, there will be fun things in the future!

"Midnight." Zuo Zhe softly yelled at her in a slightly responsible tone: "Xiaoyan has the right to apply for a change of mission. If you want to force her to leave, you can continue to mess around."

Ye Ziye pouted her lips and pressed them tightly in disbelief.

Looking at Yan Xiaozhu again, she rarely showed a smile, and nodded to her with a menacing and seductive look, expressing her agreement with Zuo Zhe's words.

Change bodyguards?
She wouldn't, it's rare that the Yan Xiaozhu she likes is her bodyguard.

No, it cannot be replaced.

Immediately promised very seriously: "I will not mess around again in the future. Besides, I already know the identity of the bodyguard, and there is really nothing to mess around in the future."

Zuo Zhe and Yan Xiaozhu thought about it, she was right, so let's accept her opinion for now.

Although Qin Jun next to him didn't know much about it, he believed that Zuo Zhe would explain it later.

None of the four objected.

Later, everyone told each other what happened during the day, and also answered many questions for Qin Jun.

Zuo Zhe asked Yan Xiaozhu: "Do you know who is trying to capture Ziye?"

"It should belong to the same group as the group that was in the park last time." She looked to Ye Ziye for advice.

(End of this chapter)

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