Dancing Youth: Evil and Rebellious Girl

Chapter 441 No Adulthood, Okay?

Chapter 441 No Adulthood, Okay?

"Don't touch my stuff." Yan Xiaozhu warned Ye Ziye for the nth time.

This guy suffers from severe ADHD and can't sit still. He looks here and touches there for a while.

Familiarize herself with the reconnaissance equipment in her room, and finally found all the pistols she hid in the secret compartment.

What an extremely dangerous man.

Ye Ziye replied in the same way: "I didn't touch it, I just took a look... that's all."

She rolled on Yan Xiaozhu's bed, rolled twice and found a sharp knife from under the pillow, between the bed board and the mattress.

Just as he was about to dial it out for research, Yan Xiaozhu noticed it.

Hey, how boring!
Zuo Zhe's injury is not serious, and he will go back to Baihutang after resting for three to five days.

The school is in the summer vacation, and everyone plays their own things.

Two days ago, He Binxian asked her to go to the movies, and she agreed to go as promised, but when she came back after watching the movie, Zuo Zhe scolded her severely.

The situation is as miserable as it can be.

It turns out that Chinese men are so possessive of their women that they are not allowed to date other men alone.

Later she thought that no matter where she went, Yan Xiaozhu must follow her, habitually hiding where she couldn't see.

Sitting comfortably in the movie theater and watching a movie, Yan Xiaozhu was outside in the sun and rain for two hours, it was very inhumane.

So her sympathy flooded, and she decided to stay at her house every day.

Everyone doesn't go out, so it's much easier to worry about.

Because I don't go out, I naturally have more opportunities to eat at home.

In the morning, my mother was chattering again, taking gossip news from newspapers and magazines, whispering insinuatingly that the wedding between Season and Lan Xin was extravagant, and she hoped that she could marry like this in the future.

At the end of the conversation, it turned back to He Binxian and Qiu Yongchen.

Either persuade her to meet Qiu Yongchen, or suggest that she take He Binxian home for dinner.

Hey, it's a pity that she is only 16 years old, and she is not yet an adult, okay?

She didn't understand what her mother was anxious about. These things were about ten or eight years later.

Ye Ziye stretched out her limbs, lying on the bed in a big shape, staring at the ceiling in a daze.

Yan Xiaozhu, who was sending and receiving messages with the organization on the Internet, stared at her.

(End of this chapter)

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