Dancing Youth: Evil and Rebellious Girl

Chapter 464 One must not let him succeed

Chapter 464 He must not be allowed to succeed
Ye Guya knew that her daughter was good-looking, and there were many suitors since she was a child, and there were constant phone calls, but Ye Guya's personality tended to be masculine, innocent and ignorant.

She treats the boys who pursue her as brothers, and scares away all the boys who like her if they meet to play ball or practice boxing.

Ye Guya felt relieved when she saw it. Fortunately, her daughter grew up in a sexually open environment, but she did not indulge in their promiscuity and puppy love.

I never imagined that after returning to China for half a year, in a conservative and traditional China, I would have a hot fight with a Chinese boy.

"How long have you been together?" Her daughter was still cooperative, her tone calmed down.

"It's just started." In fact, she didn't know when it started, they just walked together so naturally.

The heart is paid, and each other acquiesces in this loving relationship.

Except that time after she was accidentally kicked by Carl, he took her to the hospital for examination, and then he forced her to say he liked it when the car was parked.

There was only one time when two affectionate people spoke face to face what they liked.

There was another time when Zuo Zhe said he loved her silently, but she felt that he was mostly playful, just like today when they lost a bet, she wanted to tell him that she loved him.

Zuo Zhe can really go crazy when he is playful.

For a month, say one sentence every day: Xiao Zhe, I love you so much!
Just thinking about it already made her whole body tingle with goosebumps.

Thinking of tomorrow's doubling 'Xiao Zhe, I love you so much! ', Ye Ziye's heart began to feel confused, a little dumbfounded.

What about tomorrow?
Do you really want to tell him you love him?
She doesn't want it, it's so disgusting and embarrassing.

Most importantly, she should not be the first person to say that she loves each other.

She always felt that if she said love first, she would lose her momentum and be at a disadvantage, just like her mother was at a disadvantage, allowing the other party to trample on her love.

No, he must not be allowed to succeed.

Yeguya seemed to notice that her daughter was distracted, and frowned worriedly, thinking of a solution.

You can't let your daughter indulge in it, and it's best to separate them when their relationship is not deep.

Her little Xi Wei can only marry into a famous family.

Suddenly, a picture flashed in Yeguya's mind.

Just now she was only focused on getting angry, as if she had forgotten something very important.

"What business do his parents do?"

(End of this chapter)

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