Dancing Youth: Evil and Rebellious Girl

Chapter 466 No wonder he didn't strangle her

Chapter 466 No wonder he didn't strangle her
If Zuo Zhe knew that he said that about him, it would be no wonder he didn't strangle her to death.

oh!My goodness.

Think about Zuo Zhe's appearance again, he is dark and solid, without any appearance of wealth, he really looks like a nouveau riche.

Suddenly she had the urge to laugh violently.

Haha, she wanted to die, to think of him like this.

Ye Guya knew that in recent years, there have been many common people who have become rich quickly in China. The rich who travel abroad to buy houses or buy gold and famous brands are extremely generous in spending a lot of money.

What kind of rich second generation, I am afraid it refers to people like young people.

The fathers got rich, let their children live a luxurious life, drive a luxury car and go to a prestigious school.

But in any case, being able to own a million-dollar sports car shows that his family is extremely wealthy.

I think Qiu Yongchen's car is only a few hundred thousand.

Immediately, Yeguya's heart fell to Lamborghini's side.

"Mom, I'm going to sleep." Ye Ziye was really afraid that if he continued, he would burst out laughing, so he took the time to get out of the way.

"I still have something to ask you."

"Mom, I'm so tired."

"Just one question." She dragged her daughter and asked anxiously: "Today at the club, why didn't he pay the bill, and you will pay?"

"Club?" Ye Ziye suddenly understood: "You saw us?"

"I went to play tennis with Aunt Yi Hong, and I happened to see you paying the bill." This was the worst impression.

"Mom, you, why do you read some and not some? The gold card belongs to him, and I just keep it for him." When eating afterwards, she had already handed it back to Zuo Zhe.

"You kept it for him?" Yeguya heard another meaning.

It turns out that the man's money is already in the hands of the daughter?

Immediately, he was overjoyed, and grabbed her hand even tighter, and couldn't wait to ask: "Did he talk to you about the future? For example, he proposed or hoped that you would marry him."

Unexpectedly, her daughter found a good boy who was even more outstanding without saying a word.

Ye Ziye could think on her knees that her mother must have misunderstood something, but she didn't want to talk any further: "We're still young, mom, don't ask any more questions, I'm really tired."

"Did he give you a ring or something?"


"What about neck keys?"


"He didn't give you anything?"

"..." Yes, a super-performance locomotive.

(End of this chapter)

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