Dancing Youth: Evil and Rebellious Girl

Chapter 478 Meeting a Difficult Opponent

Chapter 478 Meeting a Difficult Opponent

Nie Hong nodded understandingly and didn't ask any further questions, but He Shufen interrupted: "Did you know Lan Xin? Why didn't I hear her talking about you?"

"You are……?"

"Lan Xin and I are classmates, we studied together." Classmates for more than ten years.

Ye Ziye was dumbfounded for a moment, and Nie Hong and He Shufen cast curious glances.

That's right, Ye Ziye and Lan Xin are indeed not very familiar, they have only met each other a few times.

At the right time, Zuo Zhe picked up a photo from the pile of photos, raised it up and asked Nie Hong, "Do you know who this person is?"

"This person?" Nie Hong narrowed his eyes and said, "It should be the boss behind the scenes."

Ye Ziye heard the words, snatched the photo from Zuo Zhe's hand, looked carefully, and saw a black-haired man on the photo.

It's him?

"The person who raced with us last time." Zuo Zhe remembered the racing car with a bet of 10 yuan. When he was approaching the finish line, this person tricked him and tried to knock him and Ye Ziye down, killing two birds with one stone.

Ye Ziye nodded: "His name is Rex. When he and I were in the United States, we had formed a relationship. I never thought that the purpose of his coming to China was me."

The last time it was called a racing car gambling, it was actually looking for an opportunity to retaliate.

When Zuo Zhe heard this, he couldn't spare such dangerous people lightly.

He asked Nie Hong: "Do you know where he is going?"

"He has already left, the day before yesterday, but the kidnappers are still monitoring Ziye's every move every day." Nie Hong thought for a while and added: "I think they are looking for an opportunity to strike again."

What?It turned out that they were still being followed.

It seems that the people in Baihutang are not their opponents. After so many days of investigation, they have no clue, and they don't even know that their boss is being followed.

His shadow bodyguards have lost their defensive effectiveness.

He should have asked Yan Xiaozhu to continue investigating the matter.

What a misstep!

How to say that the Van personnel are the expertise in this area, and their standard is even better than that of Baihutang.

Reflection, in fact, Rex's subordinates are not simple.

This time they met a formidable opponent.

Zuo Zhe's face was tight, and he continued to search for the suspicious person in the photo, planning in his mind how to protect Ye Ziye's security in the future.

Suddenly Ye Ziye grabbed a photo from the pile of photos and asked anxiously, "This person...."

He was the one who was in charge of driving that day and left Zuo Zhe on the main road.

[Ten chapters, more will be added on holidays, see you soon. 】

(End of this chapter)

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