Chapter 486
"Why don't you get divorced and remarry later?" The Nie family no longer needs the support and help of the He family.

It is already a large international group.

"Because your brother opposes Brother Fan's divorce."

"Now?" Season changed his attitude in the past two years, supporting his parents to divorce and live their own lives: "Why didn't they get divorced?"

Yeguya was dumbfounded.

Ye Ziye really couldn't bear to hurt her mother, but she was too stupid and naive.

I have been looking forward to marrying into the Nie family, hoping to one day sit on the throne of Young Mistress Nie.

Although she guessed that the main reason was Nie Fan, she still hoped that she had overthought and hoped that her waiting mother would have a happy ending.

And that chance is slim.

"Shall we leave? You leave Nie Fan. And I, follow your words and leave... Zuo Zhe." The two mothers and daughters started a new life.

When she said the last two words, she suddenly felt a heavy weight pressing on her chest, making her breathless and painful.

Ye Guya looked at her daughter, a little strange and at a loss.

"In the future, I will do whatever you ask me to do. Go to school and study hard, stay at home with you, don't race cars, don't fight, don't cause trouble, okay?"

Her eyes flickered and seemed to be shaking: "Really not to cause trouble?"

"Really." Ye Ziye nodded vigorously.

As long as her mother agrees, she can immediately leave this place with her and start a new life in a place where no one knows them.

The two mothers and daughters can live a normal life only when they get rid of the shackles of the past and leave the Nie family.

This is also the life she has been longing for for 16 years.

Ye Guya gritted her teeth, tears fell silently again.

Time passed so fast that she couldn't stand it so fast.

The former little Tong is now not only taller than her, but also decisive and neat in handling things.

The daughter she held in her palm and cared for, in turn persuaded her to let go of everything she had.

Let go?

can sheWith a relationship that has been persistent for 23 years and endless entanglements, she is already like an old tree with deep roots and unable to get rid of herself.

Can she live a new life without Nie Fan?

She can't.

The answer is no.

She loves him, loves hopelessly, loves into the bone marrow and flesh and blood.

(End of this chapter)

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