Dancing Youth: Evil and Rebellious Girl

Chapter 493 Want to strangle her?

Chapter 493 Want to strangle her?
"Why am I talking to you? The scene is chaotic." He stared at her angrily, his handsome face darkened again and again.

Ye Ziye stared at him, then lowered his head to check his injured arm: "That guy is not easy. Even if I team up with Xiao Hei, he is no match for him..., Xiao Hei? Are you injured?"

Yan Xiaozhu, who was cleaning up the hidden weapons scattered on the ground, raised his head indifferently and said, "No."

She still acted as if nothing had happened, very calm and composed, completely different from her.

"Do you think Xiaoyan is as inferior as you?"

Zuo Zhe hurt her angrily, but when he saw her lift up her sleeves and see the black and blue skin on her arms, her heart throbbed for no reason.

The tone on the mouth softened: "Let me see, why are you so careless?"

"It's because he's great, okay?" She didn't admit that she was inferior.

"Okay, okay." He echoed strangely, causing Ye Ziye to chuckle.

Yan Xiaozhu behind him couldn't help laughing either.

"Come on, let's go back." He helped her turn back in the direction she came from.

The rest of the kidnappers should all be arrested.

Later investigations revealed that they were all employed by the local hooligans of the man in black, and knew very little about the inside story, not even the name of the man in black.

The operation ended in failure.

However, they have always frustrated each other's spirits, and I'm afraid they won't dare to offend Ye Ziye anytime soon.

The whereabouts of the man in black will be traced by Yan Xiaozhu.

[—Ye Xiwei's original *** Tencent first release —].
With tears all over Ye Ziye's face, he pitifully tugged at the corner of Zuo Zhe's clothes, sweat dripping down from the pain.

Seeing this, Zuo Zhe was naturally very distressed. He pulled the paper to wipe the sweat off her cheeks, and warned Aunt Xia in a reproachful tone: "Don't try so hard, do you want to strangle her to death?"

"Xiao Zhe, I don't need to massage hard, the blood on her hands won't dissipate."

"You can do it lightly." Zuo Zhe was anxious.

"I'm fine, I can hold back." Ye Ziye said to stop him.

I muttered in my heart, why is it always on the arm every time I get hurt?

His mother, it hurts to death.

Just like that, Ye Ziye was the one who was hurt, and Zuo Zhe was the one who was heartbroken.

Until after nine o'clock in the evening, the two of them looked for a place to have dinner, and then Zuo Zhe sent her back to the old house to end the day.

[The fifteen chapters are over today, and we will continue tomorrow. 】

(End of this chapter)

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