Dancing Youth: Evil and Rebellious Girl

Chapter 496 This moment is beautiful and fulfilling

Chapter 496 This moment is beautiful and fulfilling

Two people are in the narrow carriage, you hug me to block, you push me to make a mess, it's so lively!
In the end, Ye Qiang snatched the necklace from Zuo Zhe's hand, put it on his neck happily, and stared at the mirror in the car.

"Haha." Zuo Zhe looked at her stinking face and smiled dotingly: "What a shameless robber."

"Say it again." She squinted at him pretending to be angry, puckered her lips coquettishly: "Say it again, I won't even take it if you give it to me in the future."

He reached out and hugged her, let her sit on his lap, took the necklace in her hand, and put it on for her himself: "Okay, I won't say anything, after you put it on, you are mine and you can't take it off do you know?"

She was very happy in her heart, but she sang the anti-tune in her mouth and yelled strangely: "Wow, you have a good idea, can you just order me with a broken chain? It's too cheap."

After the button of the necklace was fastened, he stroked the heart-shaped chain on her chest, raised his head slightly, and stared into her eyes: "I order you with the whole Baihutang, and I order you with my Zuo Zhe's reputation." you."

Make a lifelong covenant here, and you will never leave it in this life.

As long as you don't leave me, I will never leave you.

With four eyes intertwined, she smiled affectionately, she clasped his neck, lowered her head slightly, and her lips kissed tacitly.

This moment is beautiful and fulfilling.

[—Ye Xiwei's original *** Tencent first release —].
This day ushered in the sensational wedding of the century in the city, a happy day for Nie Xichen and Lan Xin, grandsons of Nie's parents.

The scene is luxurious, shocking, warm and touching.

In addition to the silver-white Ferrari FF, the first float to pick up the bride is a red Ferrari. There are more than [-] vehicles in the convoy, and they drove to the front of Lan Xin's house.

The groom Season's best man team is also strong, crowded the country road.

Standing downstairs in the convenience store and shouting, it was extremely lively.

Ye Ziye didn't want to be a companion girl at first, but in the end she couldn't resist Lan Xin's sister-in-law's gentle whisper, so she arrived on time this day, and she could die at any time.

I have to admit that Lan Xin is a beauty, elegant and calm, with a calm and elegant smile on her delicate and majestic face.

A pair of clever black eyes like autumn water, shining with moving cunning and aura.

(End of this chapter)

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