Dancing Youth: Evil and Rebellious Girl

Chapter 498 Poor and persistent woman

Chapter 498 Poor and persistent woman

The following wedding banquet is the highlight of today, and it is also Season's intention.

There was no grandfather Nie Zhenlong, father Nie Fan, or any of the parents of the Nie family in the welcoming team.

Some are just the three grandsons of the Nie family.

At the wedding banquet, the elders will be present, including Season's mother He Yanran, who she has never met, and her mother's rival in love.

On this big day, He Yanran will definitely participate.

Nie Zhenlong already knew her identity, half acquiesced to her identity and existence, neither acknowledged her nor denied her.

I don't know what expression Nie Fan will have when he knows she is attending the wedding?
The most important thing is He Yanran, does she know herself?

Season is her closest relative after she got rid of her mother. Even though they knew each other for a short time, she deeply felt his pampering and love for her.

And what he thought he owed, trying to make up for her feelings, she knew everything she knew.

But she never felt that Season owed her anything. If she were him, she might have blackmailed her parents with death and refused to allow them to divorce.

Who wants to grow up in a broken family?
He is not wrong, it is the adults who are wrong, they put everyone in a dilemma and painful situation.

It made her bear the notoriety of being an illegitimate daughter, and she knew the ugly side of society since she was a child.


"Xiao Hei." After two cups of coffee, Ye Ziye felt his stomach swell: "Where are your parents? Do they care about you doing this dangerous thing?"

Protecting others at a young age, living in an environment of punching and kicking, even in the rain of bullets.

Yan Xiaozhu was stunned, slowly raised his head to look at her, and said flatly, "I don't have parents."

She opened her mouth in surprise, and after careful thought in her mind, she felt quite right.

If Yan Xiaozhu had a family and parents, which parent would let her daughter leave home and go to the ocean, which parent would let her daughter be a bodyguard in the sun and rain?
From this point of view, I am indeed much better than Yan Xiaozhu, and even many, many people.

At least she has a mother, Ye Guya, that poor and persistent woman.

"How do you work as a bodyguard?" At this time, she became curious about Yan Xiaozhu's life experience, or she had always been curious about it.

(End of this chapter)

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