Dancing Youth: Evil and Rebellious Girl

Chapter 500 If there is no Yeguya

Chapter 500 If there is no Yeguya

They fought back by exchanging their lives for money. If they were not careful, they would die on the spot, and there might be no bones left.

No one wants to go down a dead end for this if they can.

With a grateful heart, she would not hesitate to sacrifice her life to help Tyler achieve this career.

Without Tyler, there would be no Yan Xiaozhu today.

That cold-blooded, ruthless and selfless man saved her from drug dealers, gave her food and clothing, read to her, and let her live under the blue sky and white clouds.

She is grateful and adores him, and follows him with all she can, not daring to have extravagant hopes or delusions, and only hopes to be able to guard him by his side.

She thought they would go on like this forever, she thought he would wait for her to grow up and be a woman who could match him.

It's a pity that she couldn't keep up with him, he... got married.

A while ago, Simon came to her and told her about this nightmare. He actually married the daughter of his enemy, and she was a dumb and blind woman.

How could such an incomplete woman be worthy of him?

Thinking of this, Yan Xiaozhu's heart throbbed slowly.

Ye Ziye propped her chin, looked at Yan Xiaozhu's thoughtful face, and felt that she should have many unknown stories.

She and Yan Xiaozhu are somewhat similar in some ways, the same young and stubborn life with the same unfortunate life experience.

It's just that Yan Xiaozhu's personality is quiet and introverted, silently enduring the oppression of life, and has become sad and reticent.

As for her, she has a stubborn and unyielding personality, and she always faces a positive and optimistic side when things happen. It doesn't matter if she is defeated, the most important thing is that she can stand up as quickly as possible.Also because of her unique personality, she never regrets what she has done, and the most important thing is to live a carefree life.

Perhaps all of this is because she has a mother who loves and condones her wayward behavior.

Everyone has their own destiny, even if two people experience the same thing, if the mentality is different, the results will be different.

Sometimes she would think, what would it be like without Ye Guya?

Have you run away from home, wandered around the world, and lived the free life you yearn for?

Her heart is as vast and infinite as the sea, and she longs for the days when she can roam the sky and traverse the world without restraint.

When can you have it.

(End of this chapter)

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