Dancing Youth: Evil and Rebellious Girl

Chapter 510 What is there to cry about?

Chapter 510 What is there to cry about?

Zuo Zhe slightly frowned, quickly stepped onto his own motorcycle, before closing the garage door in time, and accelerated to catch up.

Fortunately, she was driving towards the main road, otherwise it would be difficult to find her in the dark.

Because it is a factory area in the outskirts, there are very few vehicles at night, and the two locomotives are running wildly.

Ye Ziye drove very fast, rushing forward desperately like a race, passing among other vehicles.

The pink knee-length skirt was blown up by the wind and flew up, revealing her long white legs, which stood out in the dark night.

She ran wildly, and he chased desperately.

The sound of the engine whistling all the way was so thrilling and frightening.

Zuo Zhe's face gradually turned pale, Ye Ziye bloomed too fast, if this continues, accidents may easily happen.

He stuck to the side of her car, with his messy hair on his head, and shouted: "Stop, you don't want to live, do you? Stop."

She didn't even look at him, her eyes were fixed on the front, the accelerator in her hand was twisted to the end, and she was flying like a desperate man.

"Ye Ye Ye." The wind scattered his shouts.

He knew she was sad, but he wouldn't risk her life.

Does she not want to live anymore.

Even if she has the idea of ​​committing suicide, she should ask him if she is allowed to do so.

Zuo Zhe's car also speeded up and stuck close to her. He stopped talking, but forced her to the side of the road. The two cars drove forward side by side, and he would help her block the passing vehicles.

The two cars ran one way after another.

Until she was exhausted, until the engine ran out of gas and she had to pull it over by the side of the road.

Stepping out of the car and staring blankly at the passing vehicles, she knelt down and hugged her knees and wept softly.

He approached her in a big way, with anger and dissatisfaction, he lifted her body and shook her vigorously with both hands: "Why are you crying? What is there to cry about?"

"You let go, it's none of your business." She pushed him away and wiped away her tears, then turned her back to him.

Zuo Zhe's face was ashen. He was really angry because of her desperate racing, and because she was sad for someone who didn't deserve it.

Doesn't she know?She has him.

He is the most important person to her.

He hugged her tightly from behind, and let her struggle to get rid of it, but it was in vain.

(End of this chapter)

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