Dancing Youth: Evil and Rebellious Girl

Chapter 517 Don't waste the chapter, let's talk about it

Chapter 517 Stop talking nonsense and return to the topic

Fang Lin blushed even more thoroughly: "Please, continue talking about business."

Shan Nantao beat his chest, why does the sexy and alluring Han Meiren not like him? "Poor our school belle has failed again."

"The person Su Lin has always liked is Master Zhe." Fang Lin corrected: "This is something that everyone can see."

So everyone's eyes turned to the bystander Zuo Zhe in unison.

I saw him coughing twice, with a calm and indifferent face: "Stop talking nonsense, and return to the topic."

When teasing others, he smiled and joined in the fun; when the topic touched on himself, he talked about business with a serious face.

despise contempt.

Zuo Zhe continued the previous topic: "The shops in Beixiao are used to open car repair shops, and the shops in South Ring are used for catering...."

Qin Jun interrupted him: "We have never been in contact with these two industries, so I'm afraid it will be difficult."

"There is always a first step in everything. Shan Nantao and Xiao Qin will be in charge of the car repair shop. I will ask Zhang Biao to help me pick a group of capable men and let them assist the car repair shop." Zuo Zhe was thinking while talking: "As for the catering business, Fang Lin and I will be in charge."

They have many cousins, countless people who need to repair their vehicles, and countless people who need to eat and drink.

This is a way of making money. How can there be no reason not to patronize the shops of the two young hall masters?

"In terms of capital, everyone is welcome to invest in shares, and we will distribute dividends according to the shareholding system." Of course, he and Qin Jun must account for more than half of the shares, otherwise they will lose the right to speak.

"I have a question." Shan Nantao raised his hand: "If we make such a fuss, it's impossible for the Chief Hall Master and the others not to know."

"By the time they know, I'm afraid we've already opened our doors, and it's too late for them to object." This is what he wanted.

Since he is not allowed to reduce the gang's drug purchases, he will find new ways to develop other desirable legal sources of income, and gradually replace these legitimate businesses with the original illegal ones.

He believes that in the near future, he can reverse the operation mode of Baihutang.

"I think the chief hall master and the others shouldn't object. After all, they are starting a business in the name of Mr. Zhe." Fang Lin thought for a while, and assigned tasks to Zuo Zhe: "Leave me the job of decorating the shop and recruiting personnel."

[Friends in the book city, I reiterate that the system update of the book city cannot keep up with the speed of Tencent. I update ten chapters a day here, but many times, the book city does not update all ten chapters a day.Like the day before yesterday, I uploaded eight chapters, but it only updated five chapters. Friends who want to see new content quickly if conditions permit, please use a computer to read, otherwise you will be stupid and dizzy in the bookstore, I still love it help.Before swearing at someone, find out what the problem is, and don't bark at everyone like a dog.The one called 'Aijian Pay', you are the one who wants to get out, not me. 】

(End of this chapter)

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