Dancing Youth: Evil and Rebellious Girl

Chapter 523 A Purposeful Approach

Chapter 523 A Purposeful Approach
Ye Ziye raised his eyes to look at Klaus, and then at Nie Hong, he really didn't expect them to recognize each other in this way.

With puzzlement and complaints, they came to question her identity.

She was always an uninvited guest, an illegitimate daughter who would only bring disappointment and trouble.

She didn't want to say it at first, but thinking about the Nie Mansion, Season was alone and weak, and thinking about his new wedding and honeymoon.

Maybe she should learn not to be self-willed, stop doing her own way, learn to be considerate of other people's suffering, and learn to share the consequences: "I am indeed Nie Fan's illegitimate daughter outside."

After saying this, Ye Ziye's eyes turned red, and his lips trembled slightly.

No matter how many times she said this sentence, she still felt her heart ache.

Nie Hong and Klaus gasped, and looked at each other in disbelief.

They came here with a shred of hope, hoping that this incident was false, and that the uncle they had always respected was not a flamboyant hypocrite as the newspaper said.

Hiding his mistress and illegitimate daughter outside for 16 years is the main reason why Nie Fan and his wife have been separated for a long time.

Ye Ziye admitted, and there is no need to say more about the next thing.

Those have become unimportant, because the facts are already in front of you, vividly in front of you, a fact that can go and go.

"So, the first time you saw me, you approached me with a purpose." Nie Hong glared at her angrily. He remembered that she suddenly attacked him on the street that day.

Ye Ziye nodded: "Yes."

Nie Hong caressed his forehead, and the past gradually played back. No wonder he felt that she acted like his elder brother when they met for the first time. No wonder she had the same saber as her elder brother. No wonder he felt inexplicably familiar with her. It turns out, it turns out She and her brother are half-siblings.

Even more closely related by blood than he and Klaus.

Ye Ziye folded his hands in front of his chest, staring at his fingers, and clenched the bases of his fingers again and again.

Things that used to be fun, now seem so ironic and boring.

She thought that by defeating Nie Hong, she could win a sigh of relief for herself, and she thought that she could cheat a little brother-sister relationship by secretly acquainting her two cousins. 
[The book city's "love and devotion", the violent language told me not to write it, and even scolded my mother.What do you think?Otherwise, I won't write in the future. I don't want to work hard to write a book, but I am innocently scolded by my mother. I feel very sad.I feel so sad that I want to cry, how can there be such a bad person in the world? Nine chapters will be updated on 22/9. 】

(End of this chapter)

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