Dancing Youth: Evil and Rebellious Girl

Chapter 529 I Thought I Could

Chapter 529 I Thought I Could
Let go of your truest self.

He hugged her, bowed his head and kissed her fiercely.

He was supposed to be here earlier, and when it happened the morning he called her, she said she just wanted to be with her mother.

He thought that what she needed most was her mother, so he didn't come.

The next day when he wanted to come over, Yan Xiaozhu told him not to come, because she had been sleeping in the room, let her have a good rest.

To this day, he couldn't resist the insects of longing, so he left all the work in his hand and rushed to see her by car.

Unexpectedly, the moment they met, she would cry so sadly, just like she was kicked out by Nie's family that night, full of grievance and sadness.

Suffer silently, endure silently.

It turns out that most of the time, Ye Ziye is not as strong as her appearance, and she will become as fragile as a child when encountering the identity issue that she cares most about.

This is his Ye Ye, a combination of contradictions.

Along with his kiss, her tears melted between their lips, with a salty and astringent taste.

He kissed away her tears one by one, held her face and kissed it again and again.

She was sad, and he was also sad.

If possible, he hoped to prevent things from happening; if possible, he wanted to take her away from home regardless of everything.

The two were panting slightly, their foreheads pressed against their foreheads, breathing each other's breath, and staring at each other's lips.

He kissed her lightly again, with a gentle breath: "Fool, why didn't you call me over?"

I foolishly endured it for two days and two nights.

"I thought I could." In fact, she could, but she became vulnerable in front of the one she loved.

Because only in front of him, she can pamper herself and let her emotions go, without the need to hide.

"Where's your mother?" At this time, the two mothers and daughters should guard each other tightly.

"She went shopping."

She thought about it, her mother and Aunt Huan should be back around the same time, and she didn't want her mother to worry about Zuo Zhe's affairs anymore.

So she led him to the room on the second floor.

The room was closed, Ye Ziye pursed his lips tightly, took his hand with both hands, and walked slowly towards the bed.

He looked at her, as if reading her intentions from her eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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