Chapter 535

As the days slowly moved forward, Ye Ziye and her mother became estranged, and they still avoided each other awkwardly.

The car repair shops and fast food restaurants that Zuo Zhe and Qin Jun put all their money into opened up one after another.

There are five car repair shops in Beixiao, one of which is near the school, at the end of the street below their residence.

When Ye Ziye was in the United States, she often learned how to repair motorcycles with her friend Jimmy, so now she loves to go there.

When the kidnappers were encircled last time, Xiao He, who was a trailblazer, was assigned to work as a car repairer in this car dealership.

I remember that last time he was pushed down from the second floor by Ben. If it wasn't for her, he wouldn't have been seriously injured, so he has a special affection for him.

The business of the car repair shop is good. Under the names of Zuo Zhe and Qin Jun, the gangsters of Baihutang, if their cars are damaged, they all push them to the repair shop for repairs. it is good.

Because Ye Ziye always runs here during the day, so Zuo Zhe also likes to go to this garage when he has nothing to do.

Nine out of ten times, you will see her squatting on the ground, holding a tool, turning the screw in a formal manner, such as changing the car, changing the oil, changing the belt, changing the engine... .

The boys were stunned by the speed with which they disassembled the whole locomotive and put it back together again.

Other girls feel that the car repair is dirty, and the palms and clothes are stained with oil, which is unsightly and affects their appearance.

She doesn't dismantle the car, don't take it easy and load it slowly, it's fun to work hard.

Here, she can temporarily forget all her troubles.

Yan Xiaozhu naturally gave up her life to accompany Junzi, she was in the car dealership, and she was also in the car dealership; she was repairing the car, so she had to watch her.

Every day Zuo Zhe finished his work at the fast food restaurant on the South Ring Road, loaded seven or eight boxes of lunch, drove from the south to the north, and delivered a warm dinner.

"Master Zhe, you're here." The gangsters at the car repair shop saw the dark gray sports car, and all of them happily ran to pick up their lunch boxes.

It's not that Ye Ziye is here, where can they get such a good service.

The car repair shop a few streets away is much more deserted than theirs.

Ye Ziye’s dinner is different from everyone else’s. In addition, it is loaded in a thermos bottle. There are particularly rich dishes, especially delicious soup, and extra sugar water.

The portion is also the portion for two people.

(End of this chapter)

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