Dancing Youth: Evil and Rebellious Girl

Chapter 539 It Hurts So Much, It Kills Me

Chapter 539 It Hurts So Much, It Kills Me
"Zuo Zhe, what should I do then?"

Zuo Zhe said: "Xiao He, call a taxi."

"Yes, Young Master Zhe."

"Ouch!" Han Sulin suddenly screamed, "It hurts so much!"

Zuo Zhe and Ye Ziye turned to look at her at the same time, only to see her clasping her stomach with both hands, quickly squatting on the ground and yelling: "Oh, my stomach hurts so much."

He looked impatient and displeased: "It's too fake, don't pretend."

Seeing this, Ye Ziye smiled secretly in her heart, hehe, it was indeed a bit fake, the pretense was too obvious, but it was a good way, as long as she pulled her aside.

Xiao He and the others immediately gathered around to check, Han Sulin, a big beauty, a dizzy, hot, single man, immediately volunteered to come forward and ask, "Are you okay?"

"It's okay? Did you eat the wrong thing?"

"Your face is pale, call an ambulance quickly."

The gangsters chattered around.

Ye Ziye threw off Zuo Zhe's restraint, rushed forward to join in the fun, and squatted on the ground to watch her.

Sure enough, Han Sulin's face was a little pale, and there was a little sweat on her forehead, and she moaned pitifully: "It really hurts, I didn't pretend."

Taking a closer look, Ye Ziye found that Han Sulin's right hand was tightly clutching a unique hairpin, the hairpin was inserted into her palm, and there was indistinct bloodstains between her fingers.

Tut tut, master!

She couldn't help praising Han Sulin's ruthlessness and decisiveness, and even used the method of self-harm to win Zuo Zhe's attention.

Because of the pain in her palm, her face became paler and weaker, and she sweated more and more.

Ye Ziye waved to Zuo Zhe, and Qi Qing echoed Han Sulin: "Come and see her, she is really hurting."

So Brother Bingshan came over reluctantly, stood behind her, and said to the nervous crowd, "Xiao He, call an ambulance."

Whether it is true or not, the medical staff will know when they arrive.

He is not a medical staff, what's the use of letting him see her.

Ye Ziye called to Yan Xiaozhu: "Xiao Hei, bring a tissue here."

Han Sulin continued to scream: "It hurts so much, it hurts to death..."

One screamed in pain, the other stretched nervously, and the atmosphere was stirred up by the two.

Xiao He hurriedly ran to call an ambulance.

(End of this chapter)

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