Dancing Youth: Evil and Rebellious Girl

Chapter 541 Don't Ask Ziye to Destroy It

Chapter 541 Don't Ask Ziye to Destroy It

She is sending her boyfriend into another woman's arms. Is this girl too confident or too stupid.

Ye Ziye blinked her left eye at her, smiled maliciously, quickly recovered his normal expression, turned his head and said to Zuo Zhe, "Hurry up and send her to the hospital."

Zuo Zhe frowned: "Aren't you going?"

"I..., I'm hungry, I'm going to eat." She closed the car door and urged him to leave: "Go, go."

Now Han Sulin was even more confused.

He always felt that Ye Ziye was playing with Porsche, so he told Xiao He: "That car cannot be dismantled by Zi Ye."

Xiao He scratched his hair incomprehensibly: "Yes, Young Master Zhe."

Ye Ziye had a negotiable face, and comforted him with a smile: "I won't dismantle it, I won't dismantle it."

Immediately, the two people in the carriage had a bad feeling, but they had no choice but to act.

Zuo Zhe stopped talking, quickly turned back the steering wheel, and gave her a warning look before leaving. The car slowly drove out of the road, and then sped away at a fast speed.

Ye Ziye looked at the car running away, unable to conceal the excitement in his heart, a smile bloomed on the corner of his mouth.

Suddenly turned around and jumped up, shouting: "Yeah!"

The excitement at this moment is completely different from the worry and tension before.

Now, even Yan Xiaozhu and Xiao He had a bad feeling.

Sure enough, Ye Ziye rushed to the Porsche immediately, quickly opened the front cover of the car, lowered her head, and got busy with her hands.

Xiao He turned pale when he saw this, and stepped forward to dissuade him: "Sister-in-law Zhe, what are you doing? Mr. Zhe said you can't dismantle this car."

After dismantling Han Meiren's car, how could he explain to Young Master Zhe?How could he explain to Han Sulin?
It's hard to explain, these hundreds of thousands of cars are not built.

Even if he lost his life, he would not be able to pay for the little gangster.

"I didn't disassemble the car. Look, the power cord connectors here are blown out. I just connected them back."

Ye Ziye had a bright face, looking like he was discussing things well, turned sideways, and pointed to Xiao He to see.

Xiao He leaned forward to take a look, and it was indeed so.

"I'm not going to move anything, just connect the power cord, OK?"

"O..., OK." Xiao Hemo nodded in agreement.

[Today's 24th update, [-]th.The update time of the book city is about eight o'clock in the morning, twelve o'clock, five o'clock in the afternoon, and nine o'clock in the afternoon.But it's not accurate, it's always erratic. 】

(End of this chapter)

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