Dancing Youth: Evil and Rebellious Girl

Chapter 543 Taking too much stimulant

Chapter 543 Taking too much stimulant
Ye Ziye's Daan doctrine, Yan Xiaozhu only felt that the danger was escalating, and countless black lines appeared on his face.

How can she rest assured?
A dangerous person with a rebellious and impulsive personality, no driver's license, and no knowledge of handbrakes and gear levers, at this time, he seems to have taken an overdose of stimulants.

She doesn't know what danger is, how can she rest assured?

What's more, the usual Ye Ziye is already a girl who cannot be reassured.

rest assured?What a joke.

Woohoo, she wants to jump out of the car!
Yan Xiaozhu looked at the car window with only a small gap open, his eyes helpless.

For the first time, I felt that the concentration I had practiced for many years was no different in front of Ye Ziye, and she was easily broken by her.

The car finally moved, no, it was rushing forward.

Ye Ziye pedaled too hard on the accelerator, and Porsche suddenly rushed forward, pulling the bodies of the two people in the car back.

In a hurry, she changed her foot and stepped hard on the brake system.

Whoosh, the car braked to a sudden stop.

The two people in the car were thrown forward by inertia and hit the windshield.

Ye Ziye and Yan Xiaozhu kissed the windshield on the forehead.

Fortunately, Yan Xiaozhu reacted in time, closed the lid of the lunch box with his backhand, and pressed it firmly, and fortunately the rice grains and dishes inside leaked out.

"Your mother's." Ye Ziye whispered while rubbing his forehead with one hand.

I usually see Season and Zuo Zhe driving easily, their movements are easy to handle, and they look chic.How did it get into my own hands, but it was in a mess?

Yan Xiaozhu shouted unceremoniously: "Okay, the car is fine, let me get out of the car."

Ye Ziye didn't even look at her, she held the steering wheel tightly with both hands, switched her right leg, and stepped on the gas pedal again.

At this moment, her strength is restrained. Although the car is unstable and has momentum, it is better than the first time.

Xiao He watched the Porsche flying out, rushed out of the shop in a panic and called, "Sister Zhe, where are you going?"

I saw the Porsche rushing out of the road and almost hitting a truck head-on, but fortunately the other party hurriedly turned the steering wheel to dodge.

The red Porsche slammed to a stop, then accelerated and ran forward. The body was extremely unstable, swaying left and right, left and right.

Seeing this, Xiao He sweated a little, and cried in his heart: How can I explain to Young Master Zhe now?

God bless, nothing will happen!

(End of this chapter)

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