Chapter 551

Zuo Zhe opened the car door, quickly slid into the car, started the engine, and lightning drove away from the parking lot, heading towards Beixiao.

She dismantled the Porsche, and if it couldn't be reassembled, it would be a trivial matter, and the big deal would be to lose the new car.

But taking the car out and side is another story.She didn't have a driver's license, and she had no driving experience at all, and she was running on the road with cars coming and going.

She is not someone else, she is Ye Ziye, she cannot walk obediently along the edge of the road, nor will she timidly crawl at a speed of less than thirty kilometers per hour.

She is bound to be like a wild horse that has lost its rigidity, crazily rampaging, and gallops on the road at high speed.

He could even imagine her screaming excitedly while driving.

It's too dangerous. For a person who has no driving experience and is not familiar with the gear lever and brake system on the car, if he encounters a sudden traffic accident, he may directly crash into the other party with the car... .

He dare not imagine it.

Zuo Zhe's face was livid, his hands were clenched on the steering wheel, his knuckles were turning white, and his heart was beating fast.

Emotions of tension, panic, and uneasiness engulfed him.

The feeling of suffocation was more real and terrifying than any of his actions.

He knew that he loved her deeply, and since the last time she was kidnapped, he knew that he only wanted to be with her in this life.

She can't do anything.

How can you be so willful and risk your own life?
Now she is his, and he will never allow her to despise her life like this.

Zuo Zhe's sports car raced wildly, and soon entered the range of Beixiao. When he passed the traffic light, he didn't wait for the light to turn, and slammed into it.

At the same time, a red Porsche met him head-on, turned at a high speed, drifted towards the intersection on the right with harsh brakes and steady engine sound.

At the very moment, he saw the girl in the car looking at him with a slightly astonished expression.

Leaf night!
Zuo Zhe braked quickly, turned the steering wheel, drifted the car body 180 degrees on the spot, turned the front of the car, accelerated instantly, braked sharply again, and turned to the intersection on the right.

The red Porsche in front was already racing wildly. It made another right turn and quickly disappeared at the next traffic light as if fleeing for its life.

Zuo Zhe weighed the speed of the car, it was a desperate nature, she actually drove so hard and fast.

(End of this chapter)

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