Dancing Youth: Evil and Rebellious Girl

Chapter 554 Zuo Zhe is bound to strangle her

Chapter 554 Zuo Zhe is bound to strangle her
Ye Ziye knows that today is different from the past, now that she loves each other, the other is the flesh in her heart, and she is afraid of losing the other, and also afraid of being hurt by the other.

She understood, just like when he was thrown off the highway and became unconscious, she was also panicked.

It's uncomfortable to be frightened, so, that's why she secretly went to practice driving without telling him.

She just couldn't stand the confusion and temptation for a while, and now she knew she was wrong, and hoped that brother Zuo Zhe would show mercy and let her go.

"I promise I won't... test drive next time." She refused to admit that she was racing just now.

If she admits it, Zuo Zhe will definitely strangle her to death.

Woohoo, she doesn't want to die, she is young and beautiful, and has a bright future.

"Test drive?" Zuo Zhe bit these two words, his whole body tensed, and growled in her ear: "You call it a test drive? You call it courting death. What is your speed? Can you read the speed of the car? ? Huh? You beat me so fast."

Every word, sonorous and forceful, resounding, as if to crush her to ashes.

Everyone calmed down, looking at Zuo Zhe's distraught face, and seeing their young hall master's uncommon restlessness and fury.

He looked at the girl in his arms with great sympathy.

Zuo Zhe was full of dissatisfaction and worry in his heart, and now he released all his dissatisfaction and worries, and he would never stop until he scolded her to the fullest.

Low pressure, stormy winds and clouds are coming.

Ye Ziye felt that she was very pitiful, and was wronged by scolding!
Isn't she all right now?Standing here is not broken or broken, right, there is nothing worth shouting about.

Still let people live?His mother's, her ears, are almost gone.

She covered her ears, looked at him pitifully, and yelled: "I'm really hungry, will you let him eat?"

So Zuo Zhe fell silent, staring at her angrily and helplessly.

The two stared at each other, one was furious and the other was wronged.

He didn't move, staring at her, wishing to dig out her heart and see if it was made by human beings?

Such a heartless guy who only cares about eating.

She pouted her lips and acted coquettishly in a low voice: "Zhe, I'm really, really hungry."

He sighed softly, completely defeated by her: "It deserves it."

(End of this chapter)

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