Chapter 602
After dinner, Zuo Zhe drove Ye Ziye to the appointment with Tyler.

On the way, I suddenly received a call from him, still cold and concise: "Things have changed, you don't need to come here."

Zuo Zhe was shocked: "What happened?"

"He left the rental house, um..., with his luggage, he should want to escape." Tyler's voice trailed off, becoming cautious and defensive.

"He found you?" This should be impossible.

"No." Tyler paused, and then heard the sound of the car door closing: "Call back later, I'll see where he is going."

"Okay." The phone hung up silently.

Ye Ziye looked at Zuo Zhe, blinked his black eyes: "What's the matter?"

"Tom left the hiding place with his luggage. It is possible that he found us following him, or he may be moving the hiding place."

After all, they are veterans who have experienced many battles, and their vigilance is very high, so they don't need to witness others following them.

And their sensory system is particularly sensitive, as long as they smell something abnormal, they will immediately disappear without a trace.

Ye Ziye asked: "Then what should we do now?"

"Wait for the news." He parked the car aside, took out his mobile phone and sent a message to Yan Xiaozhu and the captain of the shadow bodyguard.

Action suspended, awaiting instructions.

The sudden change caught everyone off guard. Zuo Zhe and Ye Ziye sat in the carriage, looking at the streets full of people coming and going, feeling uneasy.

Finally seized the opportunity, gathered top experts, and planned to wipe out all of Rex's remaining forces.

The result ushered in unknown variables.

Is it the raid on the US side that made Tom here vigilant and wary?
An hour later, Tyler finally called.

Zuo Zhe asked anxiously, "Where are you?"


"Airport?" Zuo Zhe and Ye Ziye looked at each other.

"Well, he just bought a plane ticket to the United States." Tyler paused, and the noise of the crowd behind him faded away: "He should go back to the United States."

"Could it be a trick to divert the tiger away from the mountain?"

"Gino, I bought a plane ticket just now."

"Do you want to go back?" Zuo Zhe wanted to persuade him to stay: "We haven't seen each other for a long time."

(End of this chapter)

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