Chapter 607

Ye Ziye looked at Zuo Zhe, he just hummed a few times and then hastily pulled up the line.

His face was a little dignified and thoughtful, but he seemed a little indifferent, with an unfathomable expression on his face.

"What's the matter? Who is looking for you?" She found that she was particularly fond of asking this question recently.

What's wrong?Just what happened?It seemed to be an eventful time, and she and he were already tightly involved.

In many cases, what he deals with is all her business.

I hope today won't be about her again.

He looked at her sideways, worried and displeased: "Your old news has been hyped again."

"Old news?"

Ye Ziye was slightly stunned, and then she remembered the illegitimate daughter news that came and went in a hurry a month ago.

Immediately, her face turned serious: "Is it about my relationship with the Nie family?"

She hoped not, otherwise Yeguya would feel uncomfortable again.

Zuo Zhe nodded gently, drove the car into the school gate, and quickly slid towards the parking lot.

While turning the steering wheel, he looked at the road conditions: "I will let others settle this matter."

"Why, how could it be hyped up all of a sudden?" The matter had already been settled by Season, and later Cha Tan found out that it was Shijiao's nephew Zhuo Jun who came here with the purpose of embarrassing Season.

For this reason, Season later cut off the business relationship with the Zhuo family, and bought all the newspapers and magazines, ordering them not to publicize this matter any more.

Now that the old matter is being brought up again, something must have gone wrong somewhere.

And this week, Season, Lan Xin, and the entire Nie family all flew to the United States for their second wedding banquet.

The instigator really knows how to pick the time, when the Nie family members are not around.

"I'm not so sure either."

Zuo Zhe and Ye Ziye had already entered the parking lot, and saw a few people standing in the parking lot, leaning against Qin Jun's car, as if they were waiting for something.

Qin Jun and Zuo Zhe were side by side.

The car stopped, Ye Ziye looked up at everyone.

There are brothers and sisters Qin Jun, Jiang Yaoyao, Shan Nantao and Fang Lin.

Fang Lin came back from a business trip in the United States yesterday, and just returned to school today, and it happened that something good happened.

Behind everyone, a girl stood on the other side of the car.

(End of this chapter)

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