Dancing Youth: Evil and Rebellious Girl

Chapter 616 You Are Too Conceited

Chapter 616 You Are Too Conceited

Ye Ziye didn't want to back down anymore, if others were looking for scum, no matter how much she endured silently, it would be useless.

And she has reached the limit of tolerance.

"I will ask the school to give a punishment."

"up to you."

After finishing speaking, Ye Ziye turned to the students and said, "I'm sorry for making everyone suffer because of me. Now, everyone doesn't need to practice any more. Let's disband."

Looking at the sweaty cheeks, the thoroughly flushed skin, and the miserable expression.

For the first time she felt ashamed.

The instructor almost jumped up and carried her on the shoulder: "Ye Ziye! Are you crazy? Who gave you this privilege? Everyone, don't move, you must continue to practice."

Not to be outdone, Ye Ziye said, "Two hours, practicing in the scorching sun, without rest or drinking water, who went crazy?"

The classmates exploded, and everyone stood behind her, glaring at Instructor Zhang.

The previous two days of training were considered severe, but they never thought that they would be physically punished for Ye Ziye's smoking and being late.

"This is the school, not your army."

"I feel that my skin is severely burned. Are you paying for the medical expenses?"

"I may be suffering from heat stroke."

The students talked a lot, some rushed to drink water, and some complained outrageously.

"I'm an instructor, you must listen to me and stand back for me immediately."

The scene got out of control, and instructor Zhang's face became extremely ugly.

Ye Ziye folded her hands on her chest: "I said everyone disbanded, and I will bear any responsibilities."

"Do you think this is great? Ye Ziye, you are too arrogant."

"If you respect us, we will naturally respect you." Metaphor: Do you respect us?
Class B of Senior One is like hot oil on a hot pan, given a little bit of frozen water, it will boil immediately, and it is out of control.

Other classes looked sideways at them, and other instructors ran towards them to help.

The soldiers in the army were strictly disciplined and paid great attention to the spirit of unity. When they saw their accomplices being besieged, they pointed the finger at the young high school students without saying a word.

Together with the gangsters who were guarding Ye Ziye, the people on both sides pointed and scolded each other, their arrogance rising.

【Haha, how about we play a game?The last time I asked my friends on the Internet to leave a message, I left a few messages and updated a few times, but my friends in the book city said I was partial.This time, the rules remain the same when changing the bookstore’s message. It’s fine to leave a few words for one number, just treat it as one, and you can’t just write fast, better-looking and simple words. Well, cursing is not counted as a message.A few comments and a few updates, the upper limit is [-] updates, see if you have [-] comments.For example, there are [-] messages today, and there will be a total of [-] updates tomorrow. Everyone is welcome to participate, hehehe (smiling). 】

(End of this chapter)

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