Dancing Youth: Evil and Rebellious Girl

Chapter 627 No one would be willing

Chapter 627 No One Will Be Willing
Later, Ye Ziye learned from Song Jian that the head teacher Zheng was the principal's wife.

She is even more related to Zuo Zhe. Unexpectedly, she is the younger sister of Zuo Zhe's mother. He should call her aunt.

But he was merciless in front of everyone, and he didn't even say hello.

In the afternoon of that day, Fang Lin negotiated with the principal about the matter, and then led several people to sweep Instructor Zhang out of the house.

Before driving him away, they forced him to write an apology and posted it on the school's bulletin board.

Apologies to Ye Ziye and all the students in Class B of Senior One.

It can be seen from this incident that Zuo Zhe is a person who is not easily shaken, even if he is as close as his aunt, he has no favors to give.

There is only one person who can influence his decision, and that person is Ye Ziye.

Like exempting the newspaper from the death "crime" and letting it continue to operate.

[—Ye Xiwei's original *** Tencent first release —].
Solving Tom's affairs, the newspaper office's affairs, and Instructor Zhang's affairs, I thought that I could find a moment of peace in the days to come.

Unexpectedly, the next morning, the streets and alleys were full of reports about Ye Ziye's life experience.

This time everyone's focus is on the wealthy Nie family's refusal to admit her identity.

A piece of the old past was unearthed by Chi "Guoguo".

Nie Fan and He Yanran are a loving couple, but their mistress gets involved, and the birth of an illegitimate daughter forces the main family out of the main palace.

Nie Fan and Ye Guya have been in love "on the ground" for more than ten years, traveling abroad and then returning to China.

Ye Ziye's real name, as well as the incidents of taking "drugs" while playing drag racing abroad and being "prisoned" were all revealed.

Some photos of my life abroad were published in newspapers and magazines.

The rich and powerful scandals have always been a topic that ordinary people love to talk about.

This time, it was more ferocious and frightening than the report after the wedding banquet last time, sweeping the whole city with a bloody aura.

The old things that the two mothers and daughters have never dared to talk about hit them in an undefended way.

The red big wavy curly hair before, the current short black hair and long hair with a shawl, the before and after photos are compared, showing Ye Ziye's growth process.

Who would like to have their past affairs exposed in front of everyone like this, and accept everyone's pointing and pointing?
I believe that no one will be willing.

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1. Please support the genuine version, please support the genuine version, please support the genuine version, and say important things three times.

2. Weiwei's QQ number is 307050976. If you add it but do not accept it, please add more until I accept you. Don't be shy.

3. Recommend Ye Xiwei's finished articles "Heart Marriage: Falling in Love with the Young Mistress Who Runs Away", "77 Days of Hidden Marriage: Quan Shao's 108 Billion Private Pet", "Mysterious Husband's Strong Pet: 100 Times Love You", "Chasing Wife for [-] Days: Male God" Every book is created by Weiwei with heart. It is absolutely wonderful and not to be missed. After reading it, you will know that there is no mistake in the introduction, hehe.

4. Because a lot of indescribable content was deleted, the number of words was reduced. Everyone will just read it and make up their own brains, okay?I did not have enough words to fill the number of words after I edited the article. I don’t count the money. Please ignore me and turn to the next page. Thank you. The author who worked hard to edit the article can’t afford to be hurt.

(End of this chapter)

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