Chapter 629

The affairs of the newspaper office probably exhausted him.

She caused him trouble again.

Ye Ziye hugged her legs with both hands, nestled on the sofa in the living room, staring blankly at her toes.

Aunt Huan came out of Ye Guya's bedroom, holding a water cup and a temperature probe in her hand, passed by the living room, and saw that she was still in the previous posture.

She sighed softly. For the past year, she has lived with their mother and daughter.

Although he clearly understood their identities, he never despised them.

They are all kind-hearted people with unavoidable difficulties.

I even feel that society is too ruthless, uncovering the scars of others time and time again.

The wound that had finally healed was forced again and again until it was bloody and bloody.

Who is wrong?Mother?Or daughter?


Who hasn't made a mistake?
On the one hand, Chinese culture praises forgiving others, but on the other hand, it insists on those who make mistakes.

Saying and doing are two completely different things.

Human words are scary, especially in China where morality is emphasized.

Bitter this mother and daughter.

"Xiaoxi, your mother's fever has subsided, so don't worry too much."

Aunt Huan and Ye Guya are often companions, and she has heard many naughty stories from Ye Guya, but she believes that Ye Guya is kind by nature.

Over time, he followed Ye Guya and called her by her nickname.

"Thank you, Aunt Huan."

She still lowered her head and didn't move, deeply afraid that if she moved, the tears condensed in her eyes would burst out.

"Go upstairs and rest, don't sit here in a daze." A distressed child.

"Yeah." Still not moving.

Aunt Huan shook her head and sighed, turned around and went into the kitchen to get busy.

[—Ye Xiwei's original *** Tencent first release —].
Zuo Zhe was biting his cigarette butt, resting his legs on top of the desk, and the sunglasses on his face concealed his displeasure.

"Say, who ordered you?"

In front of the desk, Fang Lin raised his fist and landed a heavy blow, hitting the man kneeling on the ground until his face was swollen, his mouth was tilted and his head was bleeding.

"Please don't fight anymore. I said, I said everything." The man cried and begged for mercy, but finally couldn't take it anymore.

Hearing the words, the gangster who was clasping his arm released his hands and threw him heavily on the ground.

[Sixty comments yesterday, so... woo woo woo, today there are [-] chapters, everyone hurry up and pick up the chapters. 】

(End of this chapter)

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