Dancing Youth: Evil and Rebellious Girl

Chapter 632 What a cold-blooded and heartless person!

Chapter 632 What a cold-blooded and heartless person!

Zuo Zhe pushed his sunglasses, put his hands in his trouser pockets, and walked out of the newspaper office with a casual look.

Bingbing said coldly: "If you are not convinced, you can choose to call the police, but we will make your death worse."

Newspaper owners and employees were shocked when they heard the news.

What a cold-blooded and heartless person!

At the gate of the newspaper office, Fang Lin and others drove away in a motor vehicle, while he headed in the opposite direction.

Ten minutes later, he came to Bady.Boy Bar on Dongfeng Road, which is a business place under Baihutang.

During the day, the bar was closed, so he entered from the back alley, and then went straight to the office on the second floor.

The person in charge of bar management is Sha Yayong. As the name suggests, he has a set of planed front teeth, which can still be seen when the mouth is closed.

Ugly and vicious in appearance, but loyal to Baihutang.

A uniformed waiter served the coffee, and Shaiyao waved her off.

He was extremely surprised by the sudden visit of the young hall master, and immediately asked respectfully and politely: "Young Master Zhe, what do you want?"

"I'm not here to check the accounts. You can go about your business."

He was standing in front of the window, looking at the road leading to the street. At this time, Qin Jun led a few people out of the car, and also headed towards the back alley.

Han Chengwo, with his unattractive appearance and wicked eyebrows, is completely different from Han Sulin who is known as the school belle.

Qin Jun pushed him down in front of Zuo Zhe's feet: "Say, tell Shao Zhe what you said just now."

"Ah!" Han Chengwo was already shaking with panic, begging for mercy inarticulately: "I, I didn't mean it, really, really."

Qin Jun leaned against the wine cabinet and winked at the gangster on the side.

Immediately the gangster stepped forward, grabbed his arm, and shook it hard twice: "Would you say it?"

Because his father has friendship with Baihutang, everyone will not really hit him, they can only force him to submit by intimidation.

But this Han Chengwo was really worthless, he didn't beat or scold him, he just stared at him and shouted a few words.

He was already trembling with fright, speechless, holding his head and begging for mercy.

Zuo Zhe looked at him and wondered, such a timid person is the mastermind behind the scenes?

Han Chengwo sneaked a glance at Zuo Zhe, who was as immobile as an iceberg, the young hall master who was rumored to be cold-blooded and ruthless, murderous without blinking an eye.

(End of this chapter)

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