Dancing Youth: Evil and Rebellious Girl

Chapter 634 Be wary of Shangguan Lu

Chapter 634 Be wary of Shangguan Lu

"What?" Qin Jun exclaimed, stepped forward and grabbed Han Chengwo's collar with one hand: "Don't talk nonsense."

How could Shangguan Lu do this?She grew up with them, and it was impossible for her to hurt Zuo Zhe's woman.

I'm afraid it was Han Chengwo who wanted to get rid of the crime and put unnecessary charges on the lonely and helpless Shangguan Lu.

"Really, she came to me and taught me to do this." Han Chengwo burst into tears and snotted his nose: "She said that suppressing Ye Ziye would give my sister a chance..."

"Impossible." Qin Jun still refused to believe it.

Zuo Zhe believed, "What else does she teach you?"

Was she the one who revealed the news about the illegitimate daughter?
"No, no, she just asked me to find Instructor Zhang, teach Ye Ziye a lesson, frustrate her spirit, and make her embarrass herself in front of everyone."

Zuo Zhe didn't ask any more questions, and fell into deep thought.

Qin Jun looked back at him and asked in disbelief, "Do you believe what he said?"

Zuo Zhe looked up at him: "I believe in myself."

When he saw Han Chengwo for the first time, he had a snake head and a mouse eye, and he looked like he had no ambitions, so he immediately concluded that he would not be the mastermind behind the scenes.

Those who dare to openly challenge his authority and bully his women must have something extraordinary, whether it is courage, wisdom or ability.

Who doesn't know who Zuo Zhe is?

Isn't a cowardly person like Han Chengwo fearless, would he risk his life for his sister?

Taking a step back and thinking about it, Han Chengwo would not be so stupid as to blame someone from Baihutang, and this person was Shangguan Lu who was 'intimate' with them.

So his words are highly credible.

Hmph, he is just a pawn being instigated and used by others.

And Shangguan Lu has this ability and scheming, she has always wanted to compete for the position of deputy hall master, probably because of her demotion last time, she probably harbors a grudge.

Zuo Zhe had never underestimated Shangguan Lu's ability. She was able to sit on the position of the young hall master with them, and was reused by her father. Naturally, she had something special about her.

In any case, at this moment he was wary of Shangguan Lu.

Originally, he was very sympathetic to what happened to her, her father was rebellious and suffered tragically, and her relatives died and lived alone.

(End of this chapter)

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