Dancing Youth: Evil and Rebellious Girl

Chapter 640 It's been a disaster for their generation

Chapter 640 Made Their Generation Miserable

She remembered that once, at noon on the day she mobilized the whole class to cheat in the exam, she saw Nie Zhenlong at the entrance of Xixiangfeng Restaurant.

She deliberately walked past him, but he didn't even see her.

If he had been paying attention to her, how could he not be surprised that she was there?
"Really." Season gently rubbed her hair: "Grandpa has always been paying attention to you, but we didn't know it."

From the last conversation, he clearly felt that his grandfather knew everything about Ye Ziye so well, and felt so guilty and helpless.

"You can't be angry with grandpa. He has his difficulties. When he arranged the marriage of Nie and He's family, Daddy agreed and was happy."

Looking back on the past, everyone can only sigh at God's will, "It's just that later... it doesn't matter who is right or who is wrong, we have to live in the present and live our lives well, right?"

He didn't want to talk about the love and hatred of the previous generation.

Because in his mind, Nie Fan's ruthless attitude and He Yanran's obsession with his name have brought misery to their generation.

The biggest victim is Ye Ye.

"Grandpa used to strongly oppose our parents' divorce when we were young, because he felt that the Nie family should not forget their roots. The He family only had one daughter and only one property. They trusted our Nie family and entrusted their daughter and property to the Nie family. Grandpa I feel that the He family has contributed a lot to the growth of the Nie family, so how can they fail the trust of their friends?"

Season didn't speak very loudly, but he talked in a very eloquent way: "Afterwards, because of your household registration problem, he finally let go of the divorce, but I broke it on the spot and threatened them with death. It's my fault..., Grandpa is not easy, he really is not easy, you and I are the meat of his heart, he doesn't want to hurt any of us."

Ye Ziye pursed her lips, tears gathered in her eyes.

She never saw the whole thing from Season and Grandpa's point of view.

She has been standing on her own point of view, complaining about her grandfather's obstruction, Nie Fan's indecision, Ye Guya's self-inflicted humiliation, being the illegitimate daughter of the Nie family, and others' mocking eyes and words.

But it never occurred to her that while she was having a bad life, other people were also having a bad life.

Nie Fan and He Yanran live apart, Season has parents and no parents. Grandpa is old and should enjoy his old age, but he is worried about her affairs.

(End of this chapter)

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