Dancing Youth: Evil and Rebellious Girl

Chapter 647 About Nie Xiwei's Identity

Chapter 647 About Nie Xiwei's Identity
Ye Ziye took a deep breath, pulled the suit on her body, and showed a firm smile: "I can do it."

Season smiled and nodded, then turned to Nie Zhenlong and Nie Fan and said, "Grandpa, baby, let's go out."

"Okay." Nie Zhenlong handed the cane to the manager of the restaurant, and extended his right hand to Ye Ziye.

She looked at the wrinkled palm in puzzlement, and instinctively put her hand on it.

Nie Zhenlong held on to her hand, let her hold his arm, and then walked towards the front door.

She looked back at Season, a little flattered, she could no longer tolerate what she said, stepped out of the door, and was greeted by countless flashing lights.

She has never entered the lobby of Happy Meeting, every time she went straight to the VIP suite on the top floor, last time the wedding banquet of Season was blocked in front of the door.

Looking around now, apart from the constant flashes of flashing lights, there are endless crowds in the audience. Everyone stood up and clapped wildly at her and them.

Nie Zhenlong felt the strength of her palm tighten, and quickly patted the back of her hand comfortingly: "Remember, with Xichen and I here, don't be afraid."

Hearing this, she relaxed her hand as if in shock.

After all, Nie Zhenlong was a big shot, so he sat down calmly in the center, let Ye Ziye sit on his right, and then Nie Xichen sat on his left.

Others take their seats according to the allocated seats.

Three generations of the Nie family lived together with eight people, seven men and one woman sitting upright and majestic on the stage.

Almost all the flashing lights are flashing against the leaves at night.

A mysterious and rebellious illegitimate daughter of a wealthy family openly sat with a man from the Nie family. What does this mean?
Does the representative acknowledge the newspaper report?
The Ye Zi Ye in the newspaper before and the Ye Ye Ye in front of everyone are dressed in a world of difference.

The arrogant, rebellious and low-level newspapers are now beautiful, elegant and noble.

After a burst of shooting, Nie Zhenlong took the microphone in front of him, and a powerful voice rang out: "Friends from the press, good afternoon! Today, our Nie family held a press conference. The most important thing is to explain clearly to everyone about Nie Xiwei's identity. The problem."

While speaking, he looked sideways at Ye Ziye on the right.

Ye Ziye put her hands on her knees, tightly clutching the hem of her clothes, and stared at the lights under the stage that made her dizzy, with a composure smile on her handsome face.

(End of this chapter)

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