Dancing Youth: Evil and Rebellious Girl

Chapter 682 The One She Cares Most About

Chapter 682 A Person She Cares Most About
"She is no longer what she used to be. Monica has changed a lot. She is no longer reckless and willful." Rex summed up the main reasons for the failure of these operations: "And there are Van's G4 personnel hidden around her..."

Carl frowned slightly: "Van?"

"Yes, after I checked, it turned out that her half-brother Xichen hired a bodyguard to protect her. From the moment she stepped into China, she has been protecting her. Therefore, several times the fights failed, mainly because of this bodyguard. ..., of course it is also related to Zuo... and the people in Baihutang."

If it wasn't for the people from Baihutang chasing and beating Tom, he wouldn't have escaped with injuries. This was a major failure in his life.

Not only was he unable to catch anyone, but he was followed and besieged by others, and his hands and feet were injured in many places. The person he brought back was not Monica's, but her saber.

Such a big setback, such a big humiliation, made their entire organization feel uncomfortable.

Carl threw away the tissue in his hand, came to the front of the table, opened the drawer, and took out a dark green saber from it.

The saber is well made, with a Chinese character engraved on the end of the handle: Nie.

It's Monica's stuff, brought back by Tom.

He opened the blade and looked at it. The extremely sharp blade gleamed coldly under the light, as difficult to get close as its owner.

The thunder was getting closer and closer, and the heavy rainwater hit the windows, making a beeping sound.

Rex didn't dare to speak, he had already said what he should say, and then he waited for his master to deal with him.

Suddenly Carl thrust the saber in his hand into the table, "Since that's the case, I have to give her a strong medicine. Next week, you ask Tom to go back to China and kill someone for me."

The tone of the speech is very flat and calm, but the content is suffocating.

"Who?" They are a killer group, killing people is common.

"A person she cares about the most." As long as he (she) is killed, Monica will have nothing to worry about, return to his side, and stay here forever.

They are the same kind of people, with bad backgrounds, rebellious and stubborn characters, unwilling to bow to fate.

She is his, and only she is qualified to walk shoulder to shoulder with him.

And he absolutely does not allow other people to influence her belief and direction.

Even the man named Zuo Zhe is no exception.

[There are a lot of friends who want to continue playing the game, hehe, let's change the way, don't leave a message this time, how about playing favorites this time?Add a few favorites, and I will add a few more chapters tomorrow. Now at ten o'clock in the evening, the number of favorites on the Internet is 1038. From now to ten o'clock tomorrow, the more favorites, the more chapters, hehe, remember that it is online.Come on guys, I'm waiting for you.Chapter [-] was updated on October [-]th, and it will be continued tomorrow.Hey hey. 】

(End of this chapter)

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