Dancing Youth: Evil and Rebellious Girl

Chapter 689 Are You Just Giving Up?

Chapter 689 Are You Just Giving Up?
Everyone pays dividends according to shares, and those who do not have shares split their remuneration according to working hours, and the myth of getting something for nothing no longer exists.

Baihutang's whitewashing operation went smoothly and became a gang with a corporate business model.

Of course, other gangs saw this and took the opportunity to expand the group's model, absorbing Baihu's abandoned soldiers, and doing jobs that Baihutang did not do.

Because the number of pornographic, gambling and drug venues in Baihutang decreased, everyone moved to other gang activities, which invisibly fueled the arrogance of others.

But in the short term, there won't be another gang that can rival Baihutang.

After all, Baihutang and Zuo Zhe are a myth, no one can surpass it, and no one dares to touch it.

In the gang, Zuo Zhe demoted Shangguan Lu's position again and again, and only handed her over to manage two bowling alleys and two fast food chain stores.

She was required to double her income within a year, otherwise her position would drop again.

Therefore, Shangguan Lu was busy with income issues and had no time to do some tricks behind his back.

The ordinary and happy little days are moving forward, five days before her 17th birthday.

Zuo Zhe received a call from Tyler, who said that the immigration information showed that Tom left the United States and flew to China.

Tyler's hesitation came from the other end of the phone: "Do you need me to go back to China to assist you?"

He hurriedly refused: "No need, Simon told me that my sister-in-law had a car accident, how is she doing now?"

"The dangerous period has passed, but...still unconscious."

He was thinking about how to comfort him, after all, he had never met his wife: "Tyler..."

"I know what you want to say, and we brothers and sisters are tacit understanding." Tyler sighed heavily, and suddenly said a sentence: "Things that were originally forced will not belong to you in the end."

"Do you want to give up? Do you just give up like this?"

Although he didn't know why Tyler insisted on marrying a disabled woman, there must be love in it, which made him marry her without hesitation.

Now that his wife was unconscious, how could he have the heart to let him leave his wife alone?
Although they don't meet each other much, they are all responsible for the same group, and the three of them have one life.

They think about each other's thoughts and worry about each other's worries. This feeling cannot be expressed in a few words.

(End of this chapter)

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