Dancing Youth: Evil and Rebellious Girl

Chapter 709 Will You Help Me?

Chapter 709 Will You Help Me?
Dusty houses show that no one lives here.

Counting carefully, she spent her birthday in the detention center last year, and then quickly completed the formalities for returning to China within half a month.

Due to the rush of time, this house was too late to sell, and it has been empty here.

It's only half a month away, and it's been a year.

Time flies so fast, I was unwilling to leave back then, but now I am back, things are different.

The mistress of the big house is gone....

Ye Ziye sniffed, and forced herself to patrol the whole room, every item was still the same, so familiar that she could smell the smell from that time.

The taste of home belonging to mother Yeguya, the deep and affectionate maternal love.

She walked into her mother's room and removed the white cloth from the furniture, the dressing cabinet, bed, sofa, wardrobe, vase, and a forgotten paintbrush.

All mother's stuff.

She couldn't hold back her tears anymore, she stroked her face, sat down on the edge of the bed in dejection, and cried bitterly...

Even though she cried until her tears dried up, she still couldn't control her body, as long as a little thing could kill her instantly.

The longing and grief for her mother attacked her all the time like a scourge, tearing her whole heart to pieces until it was bloody.

Yan Xiaozhu looked at her and couldn't help but feel sad, since they left China and flew directly to the United States for more than ten hours.

Ye Ziye stayed on the plane without sleep, staring at the blackness outside the plane window with her big bloody red eyes staring, tears kept pouring out, crying again after drying, repeating all the time.

Yan Xiaozhu bit her lower lip tightly, her eyes turned red, she tried her best to hold back, sat beside her, and hugged her into her arms: "You have to be strong."

This girl has been working hard to live a happy life, but God's will is not forgiving, always forcing her to the edge of pain.

God has treated her so unfairly.

She has a deep understanding of the feeling of losing her parents, but Ye Ziye must be strong.

Because she is not alone, she has other family members, she has Zuo Zhe and her, they will protect her.

Ye Ziye looked at her with tears streaming down her face: "Will you help me?"

Yan Xiaozhu looked back into her eyes, the eyes were still calm, but they were extremely firm: "I won't help you, will I come with you?"

(End of this chapter)

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