Dancing Youth: Evil and Rebellious Girl

Chapter 711 She Only Has Gratitude and Guilt

Chapter 711 She Only Has Gratitude and Guilt

Soi Ying seemed not expecting her to wake up, his body visibly shook, but he didn't make any other moves.

Ye Ziye squinted his eyes, trying to use the weak sunlight outside the window to see clearly whether the black shadow in front of him was a human or a ghost.

He certainly wasn't a thief, because he didn't run away from the door.


"Monica, we haven't seen each other for a long time." Suddenly the sky broke through the window, and a snake-like lightning bolt jumped out, illuminating the whole room.

Three seconds later, the lightning passed, and the room fell into darkness again.

"It's you?" Ye Ziye stared at the black figure in front of him in astonishment with an expression of disbelief.

How did he know she was back?

Hei Ying seemed to know what she was thinking. He walked towards her and stopped at a short distance away: "I ordered someone to change your entry and exit information, so as soon as you step into the United States, they will naturally notify me. came back."

How could she forget?The last time he came to China, he said that he would bring her back to the United States. At that time, he said that he helped her change the information.

As long as there is no trouble in the United States, no one will know about her deportation.

And she can freely enter and leave the United States without hindrance.

His power is so great, his ability is so supernatural.

In any case, she is very grateful to him for helping her. Without him, she would never have returned home to the United States.

"Carl, thank you!" She was sincerely grateful.

All along, he has been helping her get out of trouble, rescued her from Rex's hands when they first met; when she needed money, he accepted her unconditionally, asked someone to train her skills, and lent her 100 million , and later helped her change the entry and exit information...

He had put in a lot of thought and effort for her, but it was a pity that she failed his expectations and couldn't do what he wanted.

For him, she has nothing but gratitude and guilt.

"Don't say anything, the most important thing is that you come back." Carl stared at her closely with ghostly eyes, and couldn't help reaching out to touch this face that made him miss it day and night.

She has changed a lot and seems to be slightly taller and more mature than before.

Ye Ziye turned his face sideways, cleverly avoided his palm, and walked towards the window, only to find that it was starting to rain sporadicly outside.

(End of this chapter)

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