Dancing Youth: Evil and Rebellious Girl

Chapter 724 Died in my own fear

Chapter 724 Died in my own fear
The water droplets in the water pipe slowly dripped drop by drop into the iron bucket, making a clear and terrifying sound in the silent space.

The prisoner thought that his blood was flowing, his heart was trembling all the time, he kept imagining that he was going to die, and finally he really died.

Die in your own fear.

She wasn't going to kill Rex, but she was going to drain him of his blood and die in the long wait.

During this time, she wanted him to admit his mistakes, and she wanted him to apologize to her parents.

Two consecutive stabs drove Rex to the brink of death. The sharp pain of the abdominal wound and the burn in the mouth made him face unprecedented fear for the first time.

In the past, he was a high-ranking mafia boss. He was supported by his elders since he was a child. He has been going smoothly all the time, and rarely encounters opportunities that make him frustrated or injured.

So in the racing car, he lost to Ye Ziye, and then Ye Ziye used a helmet to break his mind. He was humiliated in front of all his subordinates, so he naturally held a grudge against her.

After that, I kept looking for opportunities to retaliate, but it was a pity that I was blocked by others again and again.

Until later, Carl gave him a chance to get his revenge.

It is to let Tom, who is known as the number one killer, go to China to kidnap her and bring her back.

Carl's original plan was for him and Tom to kidnap her, and then Carl himself rescued her, so that she would be grateful to him.

Here he can take the opportunity to take revenge on Ye Ziye, and Carl gets the person he wants, a good way to kill two birds with one stone.

It's a pity that things are more difficult than imagined. Tom has always failed, and he was attacked here for no reason.

If it wasn't for Carl holding him down and telling him not to act rashly, he would have already brought someone back to counterattack.

"You might as well kill me." Rex was hung upside down, but his left foot was tied with a thick hemp rope, and his right foot and hands had to move freely.

But this kind of upside-down method is the most unbearable.

The blood flowed down his body like small thin threads to the ground, and a puddle of blood had already accumulated in an instant.

Because of the knife in his abdomen, he couldn't use his abdominal strength to bend upwards to free the rope.

Ye Ziye looked at him blankly, let the saber be inserted into his abdomen, and watched his painful expression.

(End of this chapter)

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