Dancing Youth: Evil and Rebellious Girl

Chapter 742 Let me go, let me go

Chapter 742 Let me go, let me go
Carl's face suddenly changed, a little ugly and a little angry: "Is this what you learned in China? Is this what that man taught you?"

"Yes, I did learn a lot this year, and Zuo Zhe taught me the principles of life."

She can't just take care of her own, she has to take other people's feelings into consideration.

He also taught her to love others, and to love herself in order to love others.

Because of love, she will become strong and sensible, able to distinguish between right and wrong, what should be done and what should not be done.

It's not what you want or what others want. For what you want, you don't hesitate to hurt your family and friends who love you.

She is a human being, not an animal, but a human being with flesh and blood.

Human beings live in groups, and it is impossible for them to escape to far away places for gossip, and live alone without contact with anyone.

That is impossible.

Even if you go to a new place and face new people, as long as you have ghosts in your heart, you will always have a thorn in your heart no matter where you live.

Life is never peaceful, life is never happy.

Only by facing yourself, finding the root of the problem, and solving the problem is the key.

Avoiding problems is the behavior of the weak.

She is not weak, she will not run away again.

So, so she won't go with him, and won't run to be a cold-blooded killer.

"I think you're crazy, you've been spoiled by him." Carl's anger escalated, and he reached out his hand to grab her.

Unexpectedly, Ye Ziye reacted very quickly, pulling his hands away like an animal avoiding snakes and scorpions.

Her behavior completely angered him, and Carl reacted even faster, seemingly without thinking, and grabbed her again with his backhand.

Ye Ziye quickly shook his wrist when he touched it, and at the same time jumped back two steps: "I'm sorry, my friend is waiting for me to go home, I'm leaving first."

After finishing speaking, he turned around and walked towards the stairs.

"You can't go." Carl's hand wrapped around her like a snake, clamping her left hand cavity tightly.

She didn't move her hand, and looked back at him sideways: "do you want to force me to shoot? Do you want to fight with me? "

He reiterated: "I won't let you go, you can't leave."

Ye Ziye's stubborn and rebellious character emerged: "Let me go, let me go."

(End of this chapter)

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