Dancing Youth: Evil and Rebellious Girl

Chapter 754 Zuo Zhe is really a fool

Chapter 754 Zuo Zhe is really a fool
There are several rooms in the house, Ye Ziye lives in her own room, and Yan Xiaozhu lives in the guest room.

Except for these two rooms and the living room and kitchen, everything else in the house was intact, including the dust that had accumulated for a year.

Firstly, the two girls went out to investigate during the day and had no time and energy to clean up, and secondly, they did not intend to stay for a long time. Therefore, ashes to ashes, ashes to ashes, everything remains the same.

When Zuo Zhe came, he naturally wanted to share the same room with Ye Ziye.

Because he came here by smuggling, he hid in the cabin with a group of smugglers for a day and a night, plus he was sleepless, and his physical strength was exhausted.

After taking a shower, he fell asleep on the bed, but Ye Ziye couldn't fall asleep. After lying down, he kept thinking about Carl.

If the results of the investigation came out and it was confirmed that he did it, what should she do?

Ye Ziye sighed heavily, turned his back to Zuo Zhe.

The candlelight in the room flickered, and the yellowish fire light shone on the furniture, accompanied by the flickering candlelight, giving people a warm feeling.

She looked at the furniture steadily, and felt warm because there were people around her.

Zuo Zhe, he climbed mountains and rivers to find her.

Ye Ziye turned around and looked at it carefully, he turned sideways towards her.

She was sleeping very deeply, even snoring slightly, her eyes were horribly and coldly closed, her eyebrows were thick and majestic, her nose was straight and... her lips were sexy.

The sleeping iceberg beauty, Yu Xia who is serious during the day, turned out to be as harmless and cute as a child.

She looked at him with a sweet smile on her face.

How nice of him to be here!
Ye Ziye couldn't help but reach out and touch his nose lightly, with deep love: "Fool!"

"Hmm." Zuo Zhe suddenly murmured, as if echoing her words.

She looked at him in surprise, and found that he was still asleep, and her frightened heart slowly relaxed.

He smiled deeper and more gently, with a teasing tone: "Zuo Zhe is indeed a big fool."

This time Zuo Zhe didn't go along with her, which made her a little disappointed. She looked at him for a while to make sure that he was really sleeping.

So he turned around and continued to think about Carl, could she still kill the enemy?

[Zuo Zhe shouted for injustice: I hereby declare that I did not come by plane, but by a stowaway boat.So there is no such thing as a plane running out of fuel and falling into the sea, and there is no such thing as swimming after I fell into the sea, and there is no such thing as the author salvaging.I am the famous Young Master Zhe.Hey, readers of the second group, you are thinking too much.The author is stunned: If I knew you would say it, I would not be a traitor and tell you what everyone said.Woohoo, I hereby declare that I am not Infernal Affairs, I am not, I really am not, I was just temporarily bewitched by Master Zhe... 】.
(End of this chapter)

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